mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Marinus Anthony van der Sluijs what is wrong with the evolution theory? ............. skippping lots of stuff: _dating and geology_ _no slow deposit of the geological column: contra uniformitarianism_ o If the geological column takes millions of years to form, why do we find trees, forty feet tall, in the vertical position of growth in coal-seams? A fossilised tree, in position of growth, was found in the coal measures at Blackrod in Lancashire. The original tree must have been surrounded and buried by sediment which was compacted before the bulk of the tree decomposed, so that the cavity vacated by the trunk could be occupied by new sediment which formed the cast. _This implies a rapid rate of sedimentation around the original tree._[3][1] o There are 'graveyards' of millions of land-dwelling creatures who suffered death simultaneously, indicating that many fossils were formed during catastrophes.[4][2] o The best evidence that pressure rather than time is the cause of coalification comes from examining the rank of coal in relation to the depth of its deposit.[5][3] o There is a substantial body of evidence pointing to rapid mountain-building occurring in the recent past, thousands rather than millions of years ago.[6][4] Remains of human habitation at extraordinary heights, such as in the Andes, indicate that these areas were lower at the time.[7][5] o The only realistic model so far proposed for the break-up and drift of the continents _is the ice-cap rupture model of Cook, which entails sudden explosive processes and which involves an ancient Arctic being dissipated as recently as 10,000 years ago._ In Cook's model _Pangaea stretched from pole to pole. Build-up of ice at one or both poles finally snapped the crust and the corresponding pressure at the other pole helped determine the direction of the main fracture. _There is evidence that the Wisconsin ice-cap suddenly disappeared roughly 10,000 years ago and the 'relaxation' time of the earth's crust is less than 10,000 years. Independent evidence confirms that the earth's crust in this region began to rapidly uplift at the same time as the ice disappeared, some 10,000 years ago. The forces required to crack the earth's crust must have been cataclysmic. Alternative theories for the break-up of the crust were tidal forces; expansion of the earth; convection currents in the semi-fluid mantle; and successive loading and unloading of the crust, by glaciers for instance, but none of these theories are capable of providing the required energies.[8][6] o _The entire geological column of sedimentary rock strata ... is dated not by radioactive decay or any other method of direct measurement, but by relative methods. These methods include principally the dating of intrusions of primary volcanic rock and ash (often by the potassium-argon method of Hawaiian fame) and estimates based on assumptions concerning rates of sedimentation and rates of evolution of fossil species._[18][16]The geological column consists of sedimentary rocks, rocks formed from sediments laid down on the beds of ancient seas and composed of particles of the primary, volcanic rocks. Radioactive dating techniques can only be applied to volcanic rocks which contain some radioactive mineral. Any age determination made using these particles will be the same as that of the primary rocks from which they were derived. In some common sedimentary rocks there are not even particles of the primary rock present and so radioactive dating cannot be used at all. _It turns out that what has been dated by radioactive decay methods is not the sedimentary rocks themselves but the isolated intrusion into them of igneous or primary rocks, usually as volcanic material._[19][17] o _Fossils were used to date rocks: rocks were used to date fossils._[20][18] o Modern volcanic lavas formed in recent historical times have been dated as up to 3 billion years old by the potassium-argon method.[27][25] o The fallacy of the radiocarbon method is proven by the discovery that some living shellfish with very little radiocarbon in their shells were dated as having lived 2,300 years ago. Likewise, modern rock-paintings, whose date of production was known, were dated to 1,200 years old.[31][29] o If you apply the radioactive dating technique to the measured amount of helium 4 in the atmosphere, the calculation yields an age for the earth of around 175,000 years. This figure is even too high, because uranium decay has probably been accelerated by an unknown amount in the past and the possible acquisition of helium 4 from outside upsets the process.[34][32] _If we take the measured amount of radiogenic helium at its face value, and make the conservative assumption that the atmosphere, to begin with, contained no radiogenic helium, then the Earth's age comes out at about 175,000 years. The major sources of uncertainty about this dating method are, first, that there may have been some helium 4 present to begin with; second that radiogenic helium may well be entering the atmosphere from the Sun; and third that alpha decay may have been speeded up by outside factors. In each case the figure of 175,000 years is inaccurate in that it would be too great._[35][33] o If you date the earth's own atmosphere with the radiocarbon method, the age of the atmosphere is around 10,000 years.[36][34] o The strength of the earth's magnetic field appears to be decaying exponentially with a half-life of around 1400 years. This _places a limit on the possible age range which may be considered for life no Earth and limits that range to something in the order of 10,000 years or less. Beyond this the flux density of the Earth's magnetic field would have been impossibly great._[38][36] o There are still comets circling the sun, whereas these should have dissipated in only tens of thousands of years after the earth's formation.[39][37] o Thus the age of the earth is estimated to be less than 175,000 years according to the radiogenic helium in atmosphere method, less than 100,000 years according to the Poynting-Robertson effect, less than 100,000 years according to the persistence of interplanetary dust, less than 30,000 years according to the non-equilibrium of carbon 14, less than 10,000 years according to the persistence of short-period comets, less than 10,000 years according to the magnetic field decay method, less than 9,000 years according to the dissolved nickel in oceans method, and 'recent' according to the meteoric dust in the atmosphere method and life must be recent according to the ice-cap rupture model of continental drift.[40][38] http://mythopedia.info/synthesis.htm