mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Last modified Tuesday 25th February 1997 ______________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION TO THE REVIEW AND ATLAS OF PALAEOVEGETATION ______________________________________________________________________ [1]VIEW NEW SET OF PALAEOVEGETATION MAPS (PRELIMINARY) [2]Details of the vegetation categories used in the maps [3]THE GLOBAL ATLAS OF PALAEOVEGETATION [20]The time-slices * [21]The last glacial maximum * [22]The early Holocene, 8,000 years ago * [23]The mid-Holocene, 5,000 years ago * [24]The 'present-potential' vegetation The time-slices Although time is of course a continuum, it has been necessary here to concentrate the reconstructed scenarios around particular slices of time that seem particularly significant in relation to the processes taking place in the global system. The perception of what is or is not a particularly 'significant' time slice depends on what aspects of the global system one is interested by, and in this respect the choice has been biased by an interest in the relationship between vegetation ecology and carbon storage on land. Another criterion has been the relative 'stability' of vegetation at each time slice, avoiding trying to make anything of the confusing and blurred picture from times such as the late glacial/earliest Holocene in which the world seems to have been a mosaic of landscapes and vegetation, all at various stages of rapid change. At such times, a slight inaccuracy in the dating or a gap in the data could make a vast amount of difference. ______________________________________________________________________ The last glacial maximum. This earlier time-slice, the last glacial maximum (LGM), is placed at around 18,000 years ago in _radiocarbon_ years. Note that due to changes in radiocarbon abundance at different times in recent Earth history (due to changes in the carbon cycle or in cosmic ray flux) the ages given by radiocarbon dates may be wrong. It is now thought that 18,000 years ago in radiocarbon terms corresponds to about 20,000-21,000 years ago in 'real' years (Bard _et al_. 1990). The LGM is generally defined as the stage during the last glacial cycle at which the greatest mass of ice was present on Earth, showing up in ocean carbonates as a peak of 18O. It is also thought of as being the time at which at which other components of the ocean-atmosphere system were at their most 'glacial' (e.g. lowest global temperatures, lowest atmospheric CO2 concentration, and apparently greatest aridity in many continental regions) (Crowley & North 1991). In fact, there are numerous signs that not all attributes and processes reached their peak of 'glaciality' (in the sense of maximum cold, maximum ice extent, and maximum difference in water balance relative to the present) at the same time during the last general glacial phase; example Colinvaux _et al_. (1989) suggest that the lowest temperatures and maximum glacier extensions in tropical uplands may have occurred several thousand years before those at higher latitudes. The most recent evidence is suggesting that in fact the LGM in terms of the 'ice maximum' was not the maximum in terms of global cold and aridity. This extreme in terms of climate may have coincided with Heinrich Events (surges of icebergs) that affected the whole of the planet's climate, and that what has been thought of as single glacial maximum may actually be two fairly similar intense cold episodes, separated by a short-lived but slightly milder episode that corresponds to the maximum land ice extent itself. If this interpretation is correct, the global cold and aridity maximum described here may need to be shifted slightly in time to lie both just before and just after the LGM _sensu stricto_. The 'LGM' as described here should be seen as the 'globally most arid and cold conditions to have occurred simultaneously during the last 20,000 radiocarbon years' and not in terms of 'greatest global ice extent'. In cases where there is no proper dating evidence available, it is too easy to assign all ambiguously dated 'cold' and 'arid' events in the palaeoenvironmental record to the time around LGM, simply because well-dated evidence from elsewhere shows cold or aridity at that time. Having said this, in a situation where one has to scramble for tenuous clues as to the true nature of palaeoenvironments at around the LGM, one can also intuitively understand that this 'circular' search for relatively poor quality evidence to reinforce a picture based on good quality evidence might lead to the best overall predictions in the longer run. For example, if one has a whole series of undated lake cores from across a broad region, each showing a single marked arid event, it seems reasonable to suggest in a tentative way that this arid event occurred synchronously throughout the region. If a neighbouring region has dated information that also shows a single well-marked arid event, a reasonable preliminary hypothesis (in the absence of any other information) is that the arid events in both adjacent regions occurred simultaneously. Carbon dating of evidence from around the world suggests that in most areas (though by no means all!) this approach would in fact be correct in identifying the conditions that occurred simultaneously at approximately the LGM*. It is important to bear in mind that in some areas for which there is continuous well-dated evidence, climates only a few thousand radiocarbon years before or after 18,000 14C years ago were very different from the LGM itself, often being much moister (and as mentioned above, the 'true' LGM in terms of land ice extent may have been a brief milder phase between two closely placed and more extreme cold events). The ambiguous use of the word 'glacial' in the literature to include periods thousands of years before and after the LGM often confuses readers, who tend to assume that this refers to the LGM itself. This is not the place to resolve fundamental issues of stratigraphy, but authors should perhaps take note of this problem. They could perhaps take care to specify when they are talking about the last glacial period 'before', 'after' or 'at around' the LGM. *In some cases this method could confuse the Younger Dryas with the LGM, but then again the vegetation conditions of the two periods seem to have been generally similar in terms of direction of vegetation change, but with the LGM being markedly more extreme in most areas. In this review, wherever undated or ambiguously dated evidence is cited, it is pointed out as such and treated cautiously, and presented as only _possibly_ relevant to the overall picture. Certainly, in some areas where other evidence is lacking it has been allowed it to influence the vegetation map reconstructions presented (this fact is explicitly stated wherever it is used). Of course, when relying on review sources or expert overviews one cannot always be sure what quality and types of evidence individual experts are willing to accept as convincing. For the most part it is only possible to report on their final recommendations or conclusions about palaeoenvironmental conditions, and not all the detailed contortions of the decision-making process which allowed these experts to arrive at their conclusions. ______________________________________________________________________ The early Holocene, 8,000 radiocarbon years ago. This second time slice is intended to represent the world whilst it was reaching the final stages of deglaciation (some remnants of the North American ice sheets still remained but they were melting fast; Denton & Hughes 1982), as vegetation and soils were approaching a relatively steady state after the rapid changes that had taken place during the previous millennia. In terms of 'real' years, the 8,000 radiocarbon year timeslice was probably nearer 9,000 years ago, though there are still considerable uncertainities. There are some indications that a sudden drought episode set in northern and eastern Africa (and possibly elsewhere) either just before or just after 8,000 14C years ago (Gasse & van Campo 1994), but this time slice is intended to represent the moist conditions immediately prior to this particular climate switch. Although the broad climatic background was much more similar to that of today, relative to the LGM, climates in most areas do seem to have been noticeably different from those of the present. There is less ambiguity in the dating for this time, and data are generally much more abundant, so there is greater confidence that the biome reconstructions presented here are reliable. In many areas of the world, the indications are that the 8,000 14C years ago vegetation was already quite similar to today's, at least in the sense of broad biome structure (e.g. temperate deciduous forest as opposed to closed boreal forest) although not necessarily in terms of detailed community composition (e.g. the relative abundance of particular tree species). Wherever published review sources agree in emphasising that the vegetation was broadly similar to that existing today, little emphasis in our review is placed on the nature of the evidence used to justify this conclusion, although it is given some cursory mention. Instead, the emphasis is on the nature and validity of those sources of data apparently indicating a significant _difference_ from the present-natural vegetation. For the many regions where there are no indications of conditions being significantly different (on the available evidence, which is often not of ideal quality), we have merely filled in 'present-natural' vegetation boundaries as the most reasonable surrogate. Knowing that many parts of the world were not so very different from today, it seems better for the sake of global-scale studies to make a reasonable but conservative guess rather than leaving swathes of the land surface unclassified (e.g. it would be unrealistic to make a global biogeochemical study that did not include the whole land surface; one has to put some values into the sums). It may eventually turn out that significant differences were present, in which case the mapped vegetation boundaries will need to be altered accordingly. For the time being, it is important that the user of the maps consults the accompanying literature review for each region to know just how much weight to give to the reconstructions within each region. Although agriculture was certainly present in several parts of the world by 8,000 years ago, it generally seems that it was not a significant modifier of vegetation on anything more than a localised scale (e.g. see Tallis 1990, and discussions in the text below). Thus, on these maps there is no attempt made to mark out any areas of croplands or other land cleared for agriculture or settlement. ______________________________________________________________________ The mid-Holocene, 5,000 years ago. By around 5,000 14C years ago, it seems that climate and potential vegetation patterns were significantly closer to those of the late 20th century than those that existed 8,000 14C years ago. Hence, this time interval provides a state _relatively _similar to the 'present potential', the difference being that it actually existed and is not a hypothetical state in the way that the present-potential is. There certainly would have been important differences from the vegetation patterns that would potentially exist at present (e.g. the Sahara was much more densely vegetated than now at 5,000 14C years ago), and there has been an attempt made here to map those differences that appear in the literature and have been pointed out by contributors to this database. However, in many areas, it seems that the world's vegetation at 5,000 years ago was very similar to the 'present natural' vegetation that is mapped in atlases and ecology textbooks (although some slight differences are usually apparent). This is hardly surprising in some ways, for the idea of what was the natural state of the world's present vegetation is sometimes inferred from pollen records of whatever vegetation seems to have existed before agriculture caused major landscape modifications. However, even apart from this circularity it does seem that over much (but not all) of the Earth's surface, climates around 5,000 years ago were very similar to those of today (e.g. Crowley & North 1991, Williams _et al_. 1993), and the vegetation that existed was very similar in character to that which now survives in regions not subject to intense agricultural activity, and in remnant pockets within otherwise mainly agricultural areas. By around this time, farming populations or cultures were spreading rapidly outwards across various regions, probably from independent centres of innovation (Tallis 1990). Although the vegetation of the world had undoubtedly been influenced in some important ways by preagricultural human activities (such as burning of semi-arid vegetation by hunter-gatherers) since well before the LGM, clearance for agriculture seems likely to have been of relatively localised importance in terms of overall vegetation ecology and structure at 5,000 years ago. There certainly seem to have been some 'false dawns' for extensive agricultural impact seen in the environmental record; for example, the elm decline observed around 5,000 years ago in north-western Europe (and earlier in southern and central Europe) was initially ascribed to a sudden and widespread increase in animal herding, but it now seems far more likely that disease and/or climate was largely to blame (Rackham 1980, Huntley & Birks 1983). There were some exceptions to the generalisation if one focuses in on specific areas; the first irrigation schemes in Mesopotamia began at around 5,000 years ago. In southern Greece, some large areas of cultivation were probably present by 5,000 years ago, but even here the main phase of forest loss and soil erosion began about 1,000 years ago later (Tallis 1990). However, concentrating on general patterns across broad areas of the Earth's surface rather than just taking the few isolated exceptions, it seems that the overall impact of agriculturists on vegetation at 5,000 years ago was still fairly light. Tallis (1990) concludes that pollen diagrams from around the world do not tend to show a significant deflection attributable to agriculture until around 4,000 years ago, even in such agricultural 'cradles' as the middle east. This view seems borne out by my own survey (the text below) of the literature and of the opinions of palynologists. In many regions of the world, the first signs of _extensive_ (rather than simply sporadic) modification of landscapes by herders and farmers appear between around 4,500 and 3,000 years ago, and these signs have increased towards the present. The climatic shift that appears to have caused the 'elm decline' in Europe was quite possibly part of a much more extensive episode of cold or aridity that occurred around this time. Recent evidence from the Greenland ice cores shows a sudden fall in atmospheric methane at around 5,000 years ago (Chappellaz _et al_. 1993), probably reflecting some temporary decrease in biological activity in tropical or boreal latitudes. In the context of this event, the maps here should be regarded as representing the system immediately before the onset of the cold and/or drought event. ______________________________________________________________________ The 'present-potential' vegetation. At the present, large areas of the world have an extremely modified and fragmented semi-natural vegetation cover (e.g. Olson _et al_. 1983, Milanova _et al_. 1994) that makes it difficult to know what things could have been like if agriculture had not arisen, and if human populations had not exploded as they have done. Over large areas of Europe, there is nothing but cropland with barely a tree in sight. Over much of India and Bangladesh, the vegetation is so influenced by crop-growing, grazing and fire that it is completely a matter of speculation as to what it would otherwise be like (Milanova _et al_. 1994). Likewise at the fringes of the rainforest zone of Africa and Amazonia, one sees domestic cattle grazing and regular fires set to provide them with fodder. Yet everywhere in atlases and textbooks one sees maps of the 'present potential'; the vegetation that was 'meant' to be here but which does not in fact exist. What is one to make of this? Can we really know what the present vegetation would be like if human history had been different? The answer is, both 'yes' and 'no'. In many areas, the vegetation seems almost untouched by human influence, or at least we see no obvious intervention occurring. In many other areas, there are enough remaining fragments of what appears to be a sort of semi-natural vegetation to allow plant geographers to suggest what the vegetation would become like if humans were to suddenly be removed from the face of the Earth. However, there are also many places that are obviously too heavily grazed, burnt, trampled and ploughed for anyone to know how far things would change without these influences. Sometimes the only way that plant geographers can support their opinions is to refer to pollen evidence from before the time of agriculture, making a tangled web of the real past and the imaginary present. What is the point of presenting such 'present-potential' maps here if one knows that they represent a non-existent world? Their benefit comes in the need for inter comparisons. At a basic level, the widespread familiarity of 'present potential' maps - for all their faults - allows any reader familiar with seeing such maps to use them as an anchor point for comparison with the world of the past. There are also other pragmatic reasons for using them. Very often within the Quaternary literature, individual authors refer to the boundary between one vegetation type and another having shifted by a certain amount under Holocene or LGM conditions. To know where the starting point is, one has to connect up the pieces of remnant vegetation, then allow for where the authors think the natural vegetation boundary would have lain, and from this draw a shifted boundary for the past. In other areas, the necessary early or mid Holocene vegetation evidence is completely lacking, so that the best one can do in the reconstruction (other than either leaving the area completely blank or assigning a completely arbitrary vegetation cover) is to throw backwards in time a present-potential vegetation map and hope that it is not too inaccurate, whilst making some alterations to allow for broad climatic shifts that seem to have been present. This is what the editor has been forced to do in some places here by the inherent gaps in the data. Hence, for the sake of comparison, and honesty, the editor has presented here a vegetation map of the 'present-potential' world, representing a compilation of the Olson _et al_. present-actual maps and various regional present-potential vegetation maps (e.g. the now famous vegetation maps of P.E. Preston-James in the Times Atlas; 1992). There has been no attempt to indicate which areas are subject to most intense human activity through anthropogenic burning, grazing, forestry, agriculture _etc_. Milanova _et al_. (1994) have produced a comprehensive set of maps indicating the approximate intensity of modification by humans, and by consulting these the reader can make up his or her mind as to how much to trust the true accuracy of the 'present-potential' maps presented here. Generally, the greater the human modification at present then the less trustworthy the 'present-potential' reconstruction actually is. Thus, whilst one can be almost certain that the position of the forest - tundra boundary in Canada is not primarily a result of human activity (at least in the position it was in the 1950s, and before greenhouse warming begins to act too strongly), one should strongly suspect that the forest-savanna boundary in central Africa is very much a product of the agricultural human populations that live throughout this zone. ______________________________________________________________________