Artificially Structured Biblical Chronologies by Anthony H. Rees In a forthcoming book, Cabbalistic Chronology, the present writer will demonstrate a number of principles that need to be recognised if the chronology of the Pre-Christian era is to be interpreted correctly. These are as follows: * All subjects, whether they are Mathematics, Astronomy, Music or simple leisure pursuits, have had attached to them specialised terminologies by the people who practise them. Those terminologies have usually been adapted from pre-existing phrases, terms and symbols to a state where they become understandable only to those involved in their study or practice. Chronology is no exception. * In the Pre-Christian era there were no mass publication or mass education facilities that would enable easy access to a specialised pursuit outside of one's normal endeavours. * Those few who had access to the terms belonging to the study of chronology (i.e. the record keepers and legitimators of royal pedigrees) were powerful people. This is because 'knowledge is power' and when that knowledge is socially important, but is restricted to a few, then the power grows in like proportion. Those record keepers recognised their power and were jealous of it. * They had access to the knowledge of at least three of four fixed points in their past, such as when the 'Great Deluge' occurred. From those fixed points, there had been kept a continuous count of various cycles which had been recorded by means of the specialised symbols that were part of their secret tradition. * As each chronological list was compiled, various reign lengths were changed slightly, resulting in a pattern of symbol values that could fix the list to an exact composite cyclical date, or describe situations such as co-regencies and contemporary dynasties. In such a way, any of their 'school' members anywhere in the civilised world, both contemporary and in the future, could interpret the lists correctly. * A series of conquests and religious inquisitions during the past two and a half millennia destroyed many record collections and reduced the numbers of the 'record keepers'. This brought about a situation where the most important of their remaining works became hidden, and the few keepers of the secret traditions who were left became more secretive than ever. Today, only fragments of their works are available for study in public and few are left who can understand even the simplest of the specialised terminologies. They are reluctant to publish that small knowledge outside of their fraternities. Cabbalistic Chronology is designed to reconstruct that almost lost and forgotten early system of specialised chronological terms. It is divided into two parts with the first dealing with the artificial structures of the Bible and the second with Manetho's cabbalistic work called 'Aegyptiaca'. Further books will deal with the Assyrian, Babylonian and Chinese king lists. That which is reproduced here consists of extracts from Part I which have been abbreviated and modified to suit the requirements of a review paper. Example A: The postdiluvian patriarchal lists from Shem to Terah P. Wiseman, in this work titled Clues to Creation in Genesis [1] showed that Genesis had been compiled from the contents of a series of tablets. The sixth of these tablets related to 'The origins (or histories) of Terah', the father of Abram, and its details are in Genesis 11:10-27. The chronology of Figure 1 is derived from that tablet. Figure 1 (1) Arpaxad born 2329 BC (2) Shelah born 35 years later 2294 BC (3) Eber born 30 years later 2264 BC (4) Peleg born 34 years later 2230 BC (5) Reu born 30 years later 2200 BC (6) Serug born 32 years later 2168 BC (7) Nahor born 30 years later 2138 BC (8) Terah born 29 years later 2109 BC (9) Abram born 70 years later 2039 BC _________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 9 births 290 years 2329-2039 BC _________________________________________________________________ (1) Peleg died 239 years old 1991 BC (2) Nahor died 148 years old 1990 BC (3) Reu died 239 years old 1961 BC (4) Serug died 230 years old 1938 BC (5) Arpaxad died 438 years old 1891 BC (6) Shelah died 433 years old 1861 BC (7) Eber died 464 years old 1800 BC _________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 7 deaths 191 years 1991-1800 BC An artificial structure is apparent in the above list. Note how the 9 births include an unnatural sequence of alternating 30 year lots: 35-30-34-30-32-30-29 Then consider another feature of the same set of values: Arpaxad 35 years Eber 34 years (reduced by 1) Reu 32 years (reduced by 2) Nahor 29 years (reduced by 3) They have been arranged in an unnatural reduction sequence of 1, 2 and 3. The chronology here is that the chronology of the patriarchs from Arpaxad to Nahor is an artificial arrangement and cannot be read literally [2]. The overall chronology for the tablet is divided into two clearly recognisable sections: the 9 births covering 290 years are in the top section and the 7 deaths covering 191 years are in the bottom section. In cabbalistic numerology the value of '9', when found in the correct context, relates to 'birth', 'gestation', 'conception' and 'foundation'. Hence because the 9 births shown on the tablet for the postdiluvians are all found together then there is a clear symbolism involved. The values of '7', '70', '77' and '777' plus their other multiples, when found in the correct context, mean 'death', 'end', 'complete' and 'finish'. Therefore, because the 7 deaths on the tablet are likewise found together, then they too have been artificially arranged. One might then consider how the 9 births, which are shown as having followed almost immediately after the great flood and the devastation of mankind, covered a period of 290 years. The symbol values of '29' or '58', plus their multiples (but in particular '290' and '580'), when found in the correct context, have a cabbalistic reference to 'rebirth', 'renewal' and 'reconstruction'. Those interpretations are always placed in the context of a previous collapse, destruction or decay. There are some extant Oriental records which use the values of '29' and '58' in that way: e.g., consider how the neo-Assyrian king Esarhaddon (680-669 BC), when recording his renovation of the temple at Asshur, stated that 580 years earlier it had been renovated by an Assyrian king called Shalmaneser (I). According to the records of that Shalmaneser, he too had renovated the temple 580 years after the previous renewal by Shamsi-Adad I [3]. Then consider the record made during the rule of the Babylonian king Nabonidus (555-539 BC). He referred to a similar reconstruction by the Sealand king Gulkishar, stating that Gulkishar was 696 years before King Nebuchadrezzar I [4]. The value of 696 is comprised of 24 lots of 29 years. In such an overall context, it is considered here that Genesis tablet 6 in its entirety has been artificially arranged and cannot be read as a literal chronology. It should instead be read symbolically and possibly cyclically. Figure 2 (1) Terah died aged 205 years 1904BC (2) Abram 75 years old enters Canaan 1903BC (3) Abram 86 years old Ishmael born 1892BC (4) Abram 99 years old Ishmael 13 yrs 1879BC (Sarah conceives Isaac) (5) Abram 100 years old, Sarah 90 yrs 1878BC (Isaac born) (6) Sarah died aged 127 years 1841BC (7) Abraham died aged 175 years 1803BC (8) Ishmael died aged 137 years 1755BC _________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 149 years Example B: The chronology for Abram, Sarah, Isaac and Ishmael The next two tablets in Genesis relate to 'The origins (or histories) of Ishmael and Isaac' and their details are found in Genesis chapters 11:27 through to 25:19. Their chronology is shown below: These tablets have a different type of chronological structure. Whereas the previous tablet involved a simple list of births and life spans, these two tablets contain datable events which are, at times, separated by lengthy and detailed historical accounts. Their structure is not blatantly artificial like that of tablet 6, so a cabbalist would make a search through it for cyclical formulae in order to date it. Here it is necessary to outline the basic techniques used in cyclical dating. Firstly, as stated, the 'record keepers' knew of certain fixed points in their past from which continuous cycles of time had been recorded. One of those dates was 3103/3102 BC [5], i.e. the beginning of our present world age, called 'Kali Yuga'. The former age ended in 3104/3103 BC and from that ending date was counted the 7-year or Sabbatical cycle as used and recorded by the Hebrews [6]. The 7 x 7 or 49-year Jubilee cycles were counted from 3103/3102 BC. Other cycles are also counted from the start of the age. The most important of all the fixed dates was the year 27,531/27,530 BC during which occultists and esotericists claim a great deluge devastated humanity [7]. This was the archetypal Noachian deluge and from that date are counted many cycles including the Mem or 'Water' cycle. The Hebrew letter Mem translates as 'water', and in cabbalistic numerology represents the values '600', '40', and '23' or '2300'. The 'water' cycle is a composite one involving separate 600/40/2300 year cycles which only fully synchronise with each other every 13,800 years. One such synchronism occurred in AD 69-70 when the temple at Jerusalem was destroyed, with the 2300 year component being incorporated into a prophecy of Daniel [8]. Another important cycle was the symbolic 25 year Lunar/Sothic cycle, which ran through the Sothic recorded date of 1321 BC [9]. The editor (Moses?) of the chronologies in Genesis knew of at least the first two of those fixed dates and used them in his re-arrangement of the Genesis chronologies. The major amendment was to relocate the symbolic/cyclical year 600 of Noah [10] and the deluge. He did this by bringing them forward from 27,531 BC, along the 600-year 'destruction and renewal' cycle to the 600-year cyclical date of 2331 BC. Then the postdiluvian patriarchs of tablet 6 were given changed values for their chronology involving a reduction of 60:1. The chronology shown above in Figure 1 is calculated from that 600-year cyclical date of 2331 BC. The dates given in Figure 2 carry on in sequence. Terah was born in 2109 BC, hence his 205 year life span ended in 1904 BC. Genesis immediately follows the chronological detail of Terah's age at death by describing how Abram left his father's house and entered Canaan aged 75 years. If one counts forward from the start of our age of Kali Yuga (KY) in 75-year cycles, it will be seen that a 75-year cycle started in 1903 BC, i.e. seemingly when Abram was 75. The basic principle underlying cabbalistic numerology is that of image and number associations. The association of that 75-year cycle to the year immediately following the death of Terah is sufficient to tentatively interpret that 75-year entry as probably being a cyclical instruction and as being non-factual. In 1879 BC when Abram was 99 years old, Sarah conceived Isaac. The symbol values for 'conception', 'gestation', 'birth' and 'foundation', when found in the correct context, are '9', '90', '99' and their multiples. Sarah's conception of Isaac when Abram was 99 indicates that his age of 99 was non-factual and symbolic. Furthermore, if one counts forward along the symbolic 'KY' 9-year 'conception' cycle, it will be seen that Abram's age of 99 lay on the 9-year cyclical date of 1879 BC. These associations of symbolic imagery, number symbolism and the relative time cycle again indicate to the cabbalist that artificial structuring is probably involved. In view of this probability, the cabbalist will study the rest of the chronological entries and time intervals on the tablet to see if there are other similar associations. As a result, it will be seen that another such association involves the final dates on the list, 1803 and 1755 BC which are 48 years apart. If one was to check that time interval by counting forward from the date of the 'Great Deluge' ('GD') in 48-year cycles, it would be seen that 1803 BC was the start of a 48-year cycle, as was 1755 BC the start of the next. This association of a 48-year period with two 48-year cyclical dates will further strengthen the growing conviction in the cabbalist's mind that the majority of the details shown on the tablet are artificially structured, involving numerological formulae. Throughout the Orient the system of supplying a numerological formula for dating purposes usually involved the very last values in the list as has just been demonstrated. Sometimes it even included the list total, e.g. the total of Figure 2 is 149 years, and if one counts forward from 27,531/30 BC, the date of the 'Great Deluge' ('GD') in 149-year cycles, it will be seen that a 149-year cycle was in 1903-1755 BC, i.e. it synchronised with the 149 years of Figure 2. This final association of the tablets total with a like value cycle is the final proof needed by the cabbalist that the entire tablet is artificially structured and involves cyclical dating. The question must therefore be asked as to how many of the values in Figure 2 were factual. Consider the following: Terah is described as fathering Abram when he was 70 years old, which according to Figure 1 was in 2039 BC. This means Abram would have been 75 years old in 1964 BC, i.e. 61 years different from the date shown in Figure 2. It has already been established that Abram's '75 years' was probably an artificial figure, so let us now consider Terah's '70 year' entry. In Luke's genealogical list of 77 names from God to Jesus (Luke 1), Terah was numbered 21 (7 + 7 + 7). He was further involved in septennial symbolism as regards the year he died, which was 427 years after the Deluge, i.e. 7 lots of 61 years, which means he died 77 years after Noah's death. This septennial symbolism indicates that Terah's '70 years' (plus the above 77-and 205-year periods) relate to the 'end' of a period of time and should be regarded as symbolic and non-factual. The date of Abram's birth is therefore artificial no matter which tablet's details are used. Likewise his ages at 75 and 99 are non-factual for the reasons given. Then note how his age at 100 is also in doubt: Abram's second name of Abraham seems to be the same as the Hindu name for the Sun (God), i.e. Brahma. Additionally, Abraham's name translates as 'father of a multitude' while Brahma in Hindu lore was described as the father of a multitude. Abram had a sister-wife called both Sri and Sarah, while Brahma had a daughter-wife called Sri or Sara-svati. Abraham had to wait until aged 100 years before he fathered Isaac, while Brahma had to wait 100 years before he fathered Shiva. Furthermore, Shiva was represented by a sacrificial bull while Isaac was commanded to be sacrificed. Isaac, in Luke's list was numbered 23, the symbol value for 'regeneration by sacrifice'. Within that context, Abram/Abraham's '100 years' must be considered non-factual. In addition, Sarah's age of '90' when she gave birth to Isaac must also be viewed as symbolic only, for it is one of the symbolic 'birth' values. Abraham's age at death was '175 years' but 175 years is comprised of 7 lots of 25 years. '25', in the correct context, is a descriptive symbol value which has two main interpretations. One means 'to merge' or 'to coalesce'; the other is exactly opposite and means 'to multiply greatly', 'to generate many' with the emphasis on procreation. Abram's 7 lots of 25 years lifespan is a descriptive symbol value referring to his name 'father of a multitude' (the multiple of 7 means emphasised 7 times). The foregoing indicates that the chronology of Figure 2, like that of Figure 1, is an artificial construct that cannot be read literally. Example C: The chronologies of Jacob and Joseph The above period is taken from Genesis 25:20 to 50:26. It is different from that so far studied because, apart from the details of the first three events, all of the chronological details seem to have been inserted into the text haphazardly. However, despite that, there are two well defined numerological sections with the first being the 111 years before Joseph's birth and the second being the 110 years ending with his death. Triple values such as 111, 222 through to 999 years have always been considered as highly significant, numerologically speaking, and special attention should be paid to them. The values of 111 and 110 add up to 221 years. This consists of 13 lots of 17 years and symbolically relates to a very tight 'bonding', 'union' or 'togetherness' - but a bonding that is filled with friction and discord. This is because the value of '17' means 'together', 'attached', 'joined', 'a bond' while '13' means 'to separate' or 'repel'. Within cabbalistic chronological numerology, a symbolic total value usually has reference either to the chronological list as a whole or it is related in its meaning to the very last entry. If this latter application is used, the symbolic meaning of the value 221 years would involve the very end of the 221-year period, i.e. to Joseph's death and presumably to its consequences, i.e. the start of the oppressive bondage period. The Bible uses the values of 17 and 13 in another way as regards Jacob and Joseph. Firstly, Joseph was together with his father for 17 years until he was violently separated and made a slave for 13 years. When reunited, they were together again for another 17 years until Jacob died. The context is correct for those 17 and 13 year period to be purely symbolic and non-factual. To emphasise this is another major cabbalistic interpretation of the value of 17, i.e. 'the lovers', the imagery being two people with their arms tightly wrapped around each other. The Bible clearly portrays Jacob's great love for Joseph during those two 17-year periods. Figure 3 (1) Isaac 40 yrs old married Rebekah 1838BC (2) Isaac 60 yrs old Jacob/Esau born 1818BC (3) Esau 40 yrs old married Judith 1778BC (4) Jacob 77 yrs old fled from Esau 1741BC (5) Jacob 84 yrs old married Leah/Rachel 1734BC (6) Joseph born 1727BC (7) Jacob fled from Laban 1721BC (8) Joseph 17 yrs old, abducted 1710BC (9) Isaac 180 yrs old died 1698BC (10) Joseph 30 yrs old rules Egypt 1697BC (11) seven years good harvests start 1696BC (12) seven years famine starts 1689BC (13) Jacob 130 yrs old enters Egypt 1688BC (14) Jacob 147 yrs old died 1671BC (15) Joseph 110 yrs old died 1617BC _________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 15 datable events 221 years Joseph's famine is shown as lasting 7 years with Jacob entering Egypt in its second year. That too is symbolic for the detailed biblical description indicates that it lasted somewhere between 3.5 and 5.5 years (Genesis 45:6, 47:15-23). Event numbers 4-7 are likewise symbolic in their durations because the stated chronology allows only a 7-year period (1734-1727 BC) for 11 sons and one daughter to be born (Genesis 29:20-21, 29:28-30, 30:25, 31:41). This is at variance with the detailed biblical description of the sequence of the births by the various mothers, and the periods of time when Leah (the mother of seven) left off child-bearing. That description requires at least 12 or 14 years. The arrangement of Jacob's stay in the North, for a period divided into three contractual parts each of 7 years duration, should be studied in that context plus the overall septennial arrangement of his life chronology. He fled North aged 77 years, married Leah and Rachel 7 years later, fathered Joseph 7 years later, and then fled South in the 7th year after that. He later died aged 147 years, i.e. 7 lots of 21 years. The duration of his life, its chronological arrangement, including his chronological interaction with Joseph, should all be viewed as non-factual, symbolic and artificially structured, possibly for cyclical purposes. Example D: The High Priestly family of the House of Aaron The following sequence of ages is taken from Exodus 6:16-20: Figure 4 (1) Levi 137 years (2) Kohath 133 years (3) Amram 137 years _________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 407 years The total of 407 years is very significant in view of the context in which it is found. The author of this passage was so concerned that there should be no doubt about which Aaron and Moses was involved that three times their names were repeated and their genealogy was given. It started with Levi and then passed in succession through to Kohath and Amram. Amram's wife was named and the fact that she bore Aaron and his brother Moses. Aaron's marriage was described in detail, together with the names of his four sons including Eleazar. Eleazar's marriage was also described and the birth of his son Phineas. Aaron's cousins and uncles were also named. The whole context of this passage revolved around the pedigree of the High Priests of the House of Aaron. Immediately following it was the description of the role that Aaron was to play in the Exodus. In cabbalistic imagery, the value of '407' has a composite symbolic imagery and means 'Priest-Warrior' or 'Warrior-Priest'. It is therefore an apt description of the House of Levi and that of Aaron. That artificial sequence of 137-133-137 and its symbolic total of 407 is only meant to reinforce the fact that it was the Levite Aaron who was being described. Example E: David, Solomon and Rehoboam Figure 5 David 7 years 1038-1032 David 33 years 1032-1000 Solomon 40 years 1000-960 Rehoboam 17 years 960-944 The Bible states that David ruled over Israel for 40 years, 7 at Hebron and 33 at Jerusalem (I Kings 2:11 and I Chronicles 29:26). The cabbalistic chronologist will study these values to see whether they incorporate a numerological formula for dating the reign of David. The two values of 33 years and 7 years will each be checked to see if there was a cyclical correlation between them. In that context, it will be found that if one counts forwards along the 'KY' Sabbatical 7-year cycle, the result is the 7-year cyclical date of 1032 BC. Then if one was to count forward in 'GD' cycles of 33 years the same date of 1032 BC is reached. This synchronism, because it is within the general period considered to include the reign of David (it synchronises exactly with the 'Jerusalem Chronology' of Aaronson [11]), is therefore understood here as being a cyclical formula for exactly placing David's reign. The Sabbatical cycle is primarily an 'ending' cycle and therefore ended in the same year as the 33-year 'creative' cycle began. The 40-year value mentioned in the text seems to be at least part symbolic and will be dealt with below. In Solomon's Year 4 the foundations of the temple were laid and the temple was 7 years in its building (I Kings 6:37-38). This is another cyclical instruction with the 7 years being the 'KY' Sabbatical 7-year cycle of 997-991 BC. The cabbalistic symbol values for 'foundation' are '4' and '9'. Now the value of '4' was given as the regnal year in which the foundation began, but it can also be seen that 997 BC lay on the 'KY' 9-year 'foundation' cycle. Those two factors indicate that Year 4 of Solomon was either totally, or partly, a cyclical instruction. These cyclical connectives may have been taken into account by the author of the Jewish record that claimed 410 years passed by from the laying of the foundation to the destruction of the temple [12]. From 997 BC through to the said destruction in 587/586 BC there were indeed 410 years. This cyclical dating of both David's and Solomon's reigns results in the last year of David and the first year of Solomon being a year of co-regency, which is confirmed by the historical description in the Bible. Solomon is recorded as having then ruled for 40 years, which gives the dates 1000-961 BC. Rehoboam followed for 17 years and if one counts forward in 'GD' 17-year cycles it will be found that his 17-year reign lay directly on one such cycle. The reigns of David, Solomon and Rehoboam have therefore been fixed by four cyclical instructions, two of them being 'GD' counts and two Sabbatical counts. One can deduce from this that either some, or all, of their reign lengths have probably been changed (perhaps only slightly) and are to some extent non-factual. According to the Apostle Paul, King Saul reigned for 40 years (Acts 13:21). Likewise, I Kings 2:11 states that David reigned 40 years and in I Kings 7:42 Solomon is given a reign of 40 years also. In view of the alternative 2-year reign for Saul (I Samuel 13:1) and the probability that David's, Solomon's and Rehoboam's reign lengths have been altered, it must be questioned as to whether the above three sequential 40-year reigns were factual at all. There are three main, though interconnected, symbolic interpretations of the value '40'. It will be recalled that '40', like the values of '600' and '23' was represented by the letter 'mem', which translates as 'water'. The 600-year period, when found in the right context, was a 'destruction and renewal' cycle; the 23-year period, in the correct context, was a 'regeneration through sacrifice' cycle; the 40-year period, in the correct context, was the true 'water' cycle and was represented by the universally recognised water glyph. Firstly, it interprets as 'the breaking of the waters' such as occurs at the end of the 40 weeks of human gestation. Secondly, it has to do with divine law in action, which is referred to in the Orient as 'Karma', or in biblical terms 'as you sow, so shall you also reap'. The value of '40' is used in both of these contexts in the Noachian deluge account and is non-factual and quite symbolic in that account. As regards other biblical examples of the value '40' and its symbolic interpretation of Karmic or divine law in action, one can find a number of other examples in the Bible which involve that interpretation. For example, there was the 40 year wandering in Sinai and several 40-year periods in the Book of Judges. When the value of '40' is found repeated two or more times in succession it means to 'succeed' or 'follow'. Little thought is required to see the relationship of this interpretation to the other two noted above. The water glyph depicts a series of waves, in succession, and that is how a series of 40s must be viewed. Consequently, the sequential three lots of 40-year periods assigned to Saul, David and Solomon (despite being found in separate parts of the Bible), being in the correct context must all be viewed as being at least part symbolic. Indeed, either some or all of those three reigns should be considered as artificial constructs and at the most only approximations to reality. Those three 40-year reigns are here interpreted as symbolically meaning 'reigns in succession'. Example F: The Book of Judges The period just before Saul, David and Solomon was that of the Judges, and the Book gives a list of related events. Their chronological details are shown below: Figure 6 (1) Cushan Rishathaim oppresses Israel 8 yrs 1419-1412 BC (2) no disturbance 40 yrs 1411-1372 BC (3) Moab and Amalek oppress Israel 18 yrs 1371-1354 BC (4) no disturbance 80 yrs 1353-1274 BC (5) Jabin of Hazor oppresses Israel 20 yrs 1273-1254 BC (6) no disturbance 40 yrs 1253-1214 BC (7) Midian oppresses Israel 7 yrs 1213-1207 BC (8) no disturbance 40 yrs 1206-1167 BC (9) Abimelek acts as Prince 3 yrs 1166-1164 BC (10) Tola judges Israel 23 yrs 1163-1141 BC (11) Jair judges Israel 22 yrs 1140-1119 BC (12) Philistia and Ammon oppression 18 yrs 1118-1101 BC (13) Jephthah judges Israel 6 yrs 1100-1095 BC (14) Ibzan judges Israel 7 yrs 1094-1088 BC (15) Elon judges Israel 10 yrs 1087-1078 BC (16) Abdon judges Israel 8 yrs 1077-1070 BC (17) Philistines oppress Israel (?) 40 yrs 1118-1079 BC (18) Samson led Israel (?) 20 yrs 1098-1079 BC _________________________________________________________________ 410 yrs Firstly, note the obviously artificial sequencing of the first 256 years, i.e. 8-40-18-80-20-40-7-40-3. Secondly, note the details of the 'oppressions': (1) Oppression by Cushan Rishathaim 8 yrs (3) Oppression by Eglon of Moab 18 yrs (5) Oppression by Jabin of Hazor 20 yrs (7) Oppression by Midian 7 yrs (13) Oppression by Ammon and Philistia 18 yrs (17) Oppression by Philistia 40 yrs _________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 6 Oppressions 111 yrs _________________________________________________________________ It has been stated above that triple values such as 111 are numerologically significant and should be construed as artificial arrangements. The remaining events would then appear as below: (2) no disturbance 40 years (4) no disturbance 80 years (6) no disturbance 40 years (8) no disturbance 40 years _________________________________________________________________ (9) Prince Abimelech 3 years (10) Judge Tola 23 years (11) Judge Jair 22 years (13) Judge Jephthah 6 years (14) Judge Ibzan 7 years (15) Judge Elon 10 years (16) Judge Abdon 8 years (18) Samson 20 years _________________________________________________________________ TOTAL (12 events) 299 years The first four events involve 3 lots of 40 years each and one 80-year period (i.e. twice 40 years). Each of their contexts indicate that they can be symbolically interpreted to mean either 'in succession' or 'divine reward'. It would thus seem that the chronological structure of the entire Book of Judges has been artificially arranged and that many of the values cannot be read literally. The first stage in the dating of the events in Figure 6 is to note that the above mentioned artificially structure sequence of 256 years is composed of 16 lots of 16 years. '16' was one of the most significant cabbalistic values of the pre-Christian era. In cabbalistic numerology, when a significant value is found multiplied by itself, as above, that value is considered to be very powerful and to have been used for a significant reason. Therefore, a cabbalistic chronologist would experiment with that 256-year section of the list by linking it to a 256-year cycle in the relevant period before the rules of Saul and David. There was one such cycle in 1419-1164 BC. Using that cycle as a basis for experimentation, the cabbalist would then note the unusual septennial associations of event number 7 with its 7 years, and event 14 with its 7 years. As a result, the cabbalist would count forward along the 'KY' 7-year Sabbatical cycle and it would be found that both 7-year events lay directly on 'KY' 7-year Sabbatical cycles as shown. Consequently, they and the 256-year period would be considered as artificial chronological constructs. Now, it is obvious that because events 7 and 14 lay on the Sabbatical cycle, then the 126-year period between events 7 and 14 inclusive (1213-1088 BC) must also have been linked to the Sabbatical cycle. So the cabbalist would then count forward in 'KY' 126-year lots along the Sabbatical cycle and find that 1213-1088 BC was a 126-year cycle. This would be deduced as being a clear artificial arrangement and obviously for dating purposes. There are other artificial features in the list (Figure 6) but the above should prove sufficient to demonstrate the high probability that all the chronological values in Judges are artificially arranged and non-factual. They most certainly cannot be used in a literal manner and should instead be interpreted symbolically and cyclically. Example G: Miscellaneous chronological values a). The 480-year period The Patriarchal chronology shows that prior to the time of the Judges there was (a) an Exodus from Egypt, (b) 40 years of wandering, (c) an undetermined period during which Joshua and the other old men died. Then came the oppression by Cushan Rishathaim. The actual date of that particular Exodus is considered to be fixed in time by a statement in I Kings 6:1 (a book thought to have been written by the Prophet Jeremiah about 580 BC). The statement reads: "In the 480th year after the Israelites had come out of Egypt, in the 4th year of Solomon's reign over Israel ... he began to build the temple of the Lord" This can be interpreted literally, symbolically, and/or cyclically. The symbolic interpretation relates to the value of '480' as being compose of three lots of 160 years. The values of '16, '160' and '1600', when found in the correct context, are represented by two sets of imagery. The set applicable here is that of a temple High Priest wearing full ceremonial robes of office, and a ceremonial crown, whilst in his hands are the symbols of his power. In front of him are kneeling the priests and officials of the temple hierarchy, while behind him are two pillars flanking the entrance into the temple. The entire imagery portrays the power of an organised religion via the channel of an institutionalised and externalised temple hierarchy. The present context indicates that the usage was symbolic and related only to the establishing of the religion of Yahweh at a temple base. However, on understanding that this symbolic 480-year value was deliberately inserted into the text by Jeremiah, to link the Patriarchal and Monarchy periods, let us now study the results of a literal interpretation. Year 4 of Solomon according to the cabbalistic formula described earlier, was 997 BC, hence year 480 was 1476 BC. That date was supposedly followed by 40 years of wandering in the Sinai desert. However, that 40-year value fulfils all the contextual requirements to be interpreted as a descriptive symbol value meaning 'divine punishment'. However, once again, it is here studied as if it were a literal application. Year 40 would have been 1437 BC, with the entry into Canaan in that same year. The Patriarchal chronology requires that entry to have been during a Jubilee year (Leviticus 25), i.e. a 'KY' 49 year cyclical date. Counting forward along the Jubilee cycle from 3103 BC it will be found that 1437 BC was indeed a Jubilee cyclical date. Therefore, the 480-and 40-year periods, even though they are blatantly symbolic in their contexts, are also found to be structural markers. To emphasise that structural aspect, it can be seen that the said entry into Canaan occurred just 18 years before the start of the oppression by Cushan Rishathaim. Now, let us reconsider the context of the 480-year period. In this respect, note how the 480 years starting during the symbolic generation 4 (Genesis 15:16) and ended in the symbolic Year 4 of Solomon. Hence the 480 years is bracketed by the symbolic value '4'. Then consider how the 120 years of the life of Moses was split into three lots of 40 years each, i.e. 40 years in Egypt (Acts 7:23), 40 years in Exile (Exodus 7:6) and 40 years wandering in Sinai (Deuteronomy 34:7). This fulfils the contextual requirements for those three 40-year periods to be symbolic, i.e. 'periods in succession'. Hence the 480 years started during a symbolic generation 4 and a symbolic 3 times 40-year period. It likewise ended during a symbolic Year 4 and during the period of the symbolic 3 times 40-year reigns of Saul, David and Solomon. All of this indicates that the 480-year entry is not just symbolically based, but that it is also an integral part of a very artificially arranged structure. b). The 400-year period The 400 years assigned to the Bondage period in Egypt (Genesis 15:13) is likewise symbolic because a major cabbalistic interpretation of that value, when found in the correct context, means a 'bonding' or 'joining together' of one powerful and one weak element. Such a 'binding' results in stress to the weaker element. The biblical 400 years is set within such a symbolic context and is non-factual in that respect. c). The 430-year period Another value that has been related to the duration of the Sojourn period in Egypt is the composite value of '400' and '30' (i.e. 430 years). It is found in two places and in each case is blatantly symbolic in context. The value '430' has a similar but amplified meaning to that of '43', which means 'joined', 'a union', 'power-sharing' etc. '430' means 'a law that binds' (or a covenant, oath or ordinance). The 430-year value found at Exodus 12:40, although it is presented as a factual period of time, is in such a blatantly symbolic context (that of the ordinance of the Passover) that a cabbalist would automatically interpret it as non-factual. The other 430-year entry was by Paul in his Letter to the Galatians (3:17). Therein the context is even more blatant for it was referring to the laws given by God to Moses in the Sinai. Paul was only reinforcing an already symbolic and artificially based structure, but he was doing so in the specialised terminology of cabbalistic chronology. d). The 450-year period The 'about 450 years' reference in Acts 13:20, once again by Paul, is likewise exceedingly blatant. Firstly, however, it should be noted that there are three radically different manuscript interpretations concerning the '450 years'. There is actually one thing consistent in those interpretations, i.e. the 450-year reference was linked directly to the 'dividing of the entire land' of Canaan by Joshua, son of Nun. It is another composite symbolic value wherein '400' (similar to the value of '32') has a second major interpretation of 'an entire something'. The value of '50' means 'to divide' with the one who did the dividing being Joshua, son of 'Nun'. In the Hebrew alphabet, Nun or the letter 'N' represented the value of '50', i.e. 'to divide'. e). The 300-year period In Judges 11:26-27, the value of '300 years' was in a letter sent by Jephthah to the Ammonite king. The context of the letter indicates that the value '300' was being used in a symbolic manner. That value, even in the common system of Hebrew letters, was represented by the letter 'Sh', i.e. Shin, which translates as 'mud'. In cabbalistic terminology it has two major interpretations: (i) 'aeon', i.e. an undetermined period of time, and (ii) 'unwarranted oppression' or 'persecution'. The relationship between 'mud' and 'unwarranted oppression' is quite clear when set in the context of the Israelites being oppressed in Egypt. The story shows them being forced to build 'mud' cities with bricks that contained less and less straw, and more and more mud as the oppression increased. Jephthah's letter should be read in the context of the Israelites having been 'shattered' and 'oppressed' for 18 years by the Ammonites. Here it might also be of interest to note how the letter Shin is to be found heading Psalm 119, verses 161-168. The words commence with 'Rulers persecute me without cause' and is a perfect example of the relevant symbolism. That 300-year Jephthah reference was a descriptive value symbolism referring both to 'an aeon' and to 'unwarranted oppression' and should not be read literally. Example H: The Kingdom of Judah Figure 7 gen. name Age years reign _________________________________________________________________ 37 Rehoboam 41 17 960-944 BC 38 Abijam - 3 943-941 BC 39 Asa - 40* 940-901 BC 40 Jehoshaphat 35 25 900-876 BC 41 Jehoram 32 8 875-868 BC 42 Ahaziah 22 or 42 1 867 BC 43 Athaliah - 5* 866-862 BC 44 Jehoash 7 40 861-822 BC 45 Amaziah 25 29 821-793 BC 46 Azariah 16 52 808-757 BC 47 Jotham 25 16 756-741 BC 48 Ahaz [13] 20 or 25 16 740-725 BC 49 Hezekiah 25 29 724-696 BC 50 Menasseh 12 55 695-641 BC 51 Amon 22 2 640-639 BC 52 Josiah 8 31 638-608 BC 53 Jehoahaz 23 (3mon) 607 BC 54 Jehoiakim 25 11 606-596 BC 55 Jehoiachin 18 or 8 (3mon) 595 BC 56 Zedekiah 21 11 595-585 BC _________________________________________________________________ TOTAL 20 rules 392 392 960-585 BC * Note: Asa was recorded as dying in his 41st year. In cabbalistic numerology this means he ruled 40 years. Likewise Athaliah is shown as dying in the 7th year (of Ahaziah), consequently his total rule would be viewed cabbalistically as 6 years. He actually only ruled for one year before he died. However, because Queen Athaliah's rule was not recognised, her period of power was recorded as if Ahaziah was still alive. His actual one year rule plus a 'ghost' 5 years makes up the total of 6 years rule. Hence Athaliah's rule is shown above as a cabbalistic 5 years. The above list is taken from II Chronicles, a book thought to have been compiled by Ezra at about 460 BC. It represents the kings of Judah from the death of Solomon to the Babylonian exile. No chronological details have been derived from any other source except Luke's generation list. The 1st column shows the generation count, the 3rd gives the ages of the kings on accession, the 4th has the reign lengths and the 5th their dates. It is a dual column system of chronology similar to the one employed by Manetho in his 'Aegyptiaca'. The column of ages has a dual chronological purpose, a factor demonstrated by its artificial alternative total of 392 years which is the same as the 392 years for the duration of the dynasty. The list starts with Rehoboam whose 17-year reign, as has been shown, has been placed on the 'GD' 17-year cycle of 960-944 BC. The following reigns, down to and including Uzziah (792-741 BC) follow in sequence. As regards the 29-year rule of Uzziah's father Amaziah, it can be seen that it ended on the 'GD' 29-year cyclical date of 793 BC, consequently that value of 29 years can be understood as another cyclical instruction. Uzziah's son and successor Jotham has the dates 756-741 BC which means that there was a 16-year overlapping period in the list between Uzziah and Jotham. After Jotham, all of the reigns follow in sequence until the end of the dynasty in 584 BC. The end of the dynasty is fixed in time by two unique formulae, one internal and one external. The external formula involves the prophetic 'seven (appointed) times' (of the Gentile nations), a period of 2520 years [14]. Counting forward from the 'KY' date in 2520-year periods, the first one ended in 584 BC. The second period that related to the 'appointed times of the Gentile nations' started in 583 BC after the destruction of Solomon's temple, to end in AD 1936. The internal formula includes the two list totals of 392 years (a multiple of 56 years). So note how the last king in the list is generation 56. Count forward in 'KY' 56-year cycles and it will be found that one such cycle ended in 584 BC. The dual purpose aspect of the 'ages' column comes into effect at this point by using it as a double dating system. Consider the last king, Zedekiah, who acceded aged 21 years and the 'KY' 21-year cycle which ended in 584 BC. Preceding his 11-year rule (594-584 BC) was Jehoiachin. His alternative accession age of 8 years pinpoints his 3-months rule as having been the year 595 BC - the first year of a 'GD' 8-year cycle. Before him was Jehoiakim whose 11-year reign lay directly on the 'KY' 11-year cycle of 606-596 BC. The move to generation 51 King Amon who was supposedly 22 years of age at accession. Count forward in 'KY' 22-year cycles and it can be seen that 640 BC, the first year of his 2-year reign, was the ending date of a 22-year cycle. His second and last year of 639 BC was the start of the next 22-year cycle. Then consider generation 45, i.e. Amaziah, whose 29-year reign has already been fixed by the 29-year cyclical instruction. He supposedly acceded to the throne aged 25 years. However, the first year of his reign, 821 BC, was a symbolic 25-year Lunar/Sothic cyclical date. Hence his reign is fixed by two cyclical instructions. Then there is generation 42, i.e. Ahaziah and his alternative 22 years of age at accession. This was given by some Septuagint and Syriac manuscripts, and in II Kings 8:26. Count forward in 'GD' 22-year cycles and his one year rule in 867 BC is found to be a 22-year cyclical date. Then note how his 1 year of rule, and the 5 years of Athaliah total 6 years (ending in the 7th). Those 6 years, 867-862 BC, lay directly on a 'GD' 6-year cycle. Now consider a further demonstration of cyclical dating methods. Generation 52, i.e. Josiah, instigated a great religious reformation in the early part of his reign which culminated in his Year 18. Firstly, count forwards in 'GD' 18-year cycles and it will be seen that his Year 18 (621 BC) was an 18-year cyclical date. Secondly, in that year, supposedly coincidentally, the Mosaic book of the law was rediscovered and the 'Law' was reinstated in the land. Likewise, as the climax of the reformation, there was a massive 'sacrificial' holocaust, such as had not been seen since the days of Samuel (II Chronicles 34-35). The descriptive symbol value for 'sacrifice', as has already been stated, is number 23, while the descriptive symbol value for 'law' is the number 30. Both values when utilised as cycles are counted from the 'Great Deluge', with the 'sacrifice' cycle of 23 years and the 'law' cycle of 30 years only synchronising every 690 years. Count forward in 690-year cycles and one will arrive at 621 BC, or the year of 'the law' and the 'great sacrifice'. That is not a coincidence. Consider also how that great sacrifice was a fiery holocaust and in that context note Josiah's reign length of 31 years. The value of 31 in cabbalistic numerology also represented the element of 'fire'. Manetho used the value of '31' in a similar symbolic way when he inserted at the end of the symbolically numbered Dynasty 23 (the sacrifice number), a word zet which was short for zetema (= 'a riddle follows'). He assigned the value of 31 years to that 'riddle'. Immediately following zet was King Bochchoris who Manetho described as being killed as a fiery sacrifice [15]. Regarding the 16-year overlap in the reigns of kings Uzziah and Jotham, note how the end of the rule of Uzziah and the start of the rule of Jotham was the exact mid-point of the entire dynastic list, while Jotham's reign was the centre-point of a highly artificial section of the list: Figure 8 Amaziah age 25 ruled 29 years Uzziah aged 16 years Jotham age 25 ruled 16 years Ahaz age 25 ruled 16 years Hezekiah age 25 ruled 29 years Consider how that block of kings has been structured and the manner in which the values of '16' and '25' have been used. The value of '16' is shown in a triple sequence with Jotham as its centre-point. Furthermore, those three values of 16 years were bracketed by two lots of 29 years, a value which, as has been stated earlier, was used for dating purposes. Indeed, the first king of this artificially structured block, Amaziah, had his dates primarily fixed by the 29-year cyclical date of 793 BC. Then consider the purpose of the sequence of 25 years [16]. The block begins with the 25-year cyclical date of 821 BC and ends with the 25-year cyclical date of 696 BC. The only king in that block who did not accede to the throne aged 25 was Uzziah who was allotted an age of 16 years, i.e. the amount of the overlapping period. It has already been mentioned that there are two symbolic interpretations of the value '25', dependent on context. One was that of 'merging' or 'coalescence', i.e. a 'coming together' or a 'joining'. That artificial block is a blatant symbolic instruction showing the exact point at which the overlapping reigns should merge or join, and the exact amount by which it should merge - 16 years. As a finale to the study of Figure 7, note again the values given to the last king, Zedekiah. His age at accession is given as 21 years which means he died aged 32. Both values, '21' and '32', are cabbalistically presented by the same Hebrew letter 'T', i.e. 'Taw'. On its own, but dependent on context, the value '21' interprets as a triply emphasised 'ending', while the value '32' on its own has a major interpretation of 'a complete creation'. Thus because Zedekiah's rule was the end of the list and the end of a major Hebrew period, his age of 21, plus his reign of 11 years, and the resultant age of 32 at death are most emphatically symbolic and artificial creations. Summary and Conclusions Example A, which covered the chronology of the first 8 postdiluvian patriarchs, was found to have been divided into two symbolic sections of 9 births and 7 deaths. The 9 births section included two unnatural sequences of values and a 290-year symbolic total. Example B showed that the life chronologies of Terah, Abram, Sarah and Ishmael were almost totally symbolic. Furthermore, even Abram's second name of Abraham and the two names of his wife were found to have parallels in Hindu cosmogenesis myths as were some aspects of Isaac's story. As part of example B, the application of cyclical dating was demonstrated. All of the events and even the list total were then used to cyclically date the list in relation to the Mosaic 'deluge' model. Example C, related to the lives of Jacob and Joseph, was found to be artificially divided into two distinct sections with an overall symbolic total of 221 years. Jacob's life chronology was shown to be artificially structured in its entirety and even his chronological interaction with Joseph was symbolically based. Example D showed the Levite chronology to be an artificial sequence of values with a contextually symbolic total of 407 years. Example E indicated that the chronological details for David, Solomon and Rehoboam were cyclical instructions which provided a set of unique dates. Further symbolism was involved in the sequence of 40-, 40- and 40-year reigns for Saul, David and Solomon and in the dates for the construction of Solomon's temple. Example F concerned Judges and showed the oppressions had an artificial 111 year structure while the series of 40-year periods of 'no disturbance' were symbolically based. Various of the events plus the list total were artificial, some being symbolic, others cyclical. The resultant formula provided a unique set of dates. Example G related to a study of various symbolic values that had been presented by their authors as being factual periods of time. Amongst them was Jephthah's symbolic 300-year value that could be interpreted as 'aeon' or 'oppression'; the two 430-year periods relating to legally binding 'covenants', 'ordinances' and 'laws'; the 450 years of Joshua involving 'dividing the entire land'; and the 480 years of the religious dispensation of Yahweh. Furthermore, that 480-year period was set between a symbolic generation 4 and a symbolic Year 4, and was linked to three symbolic lots of 40 years at its beginning and three symbolic lots of 40 years at its ending. The last example, H, concerned the kingdom of Judah. It was shown how the column of ages had the same total as the reigns and was part factual and part symbolic. As many as one-third of the reigns/ages may have been symbolic and/or cyclical in their duration and thus were non-factual. The resultant cyclical formula produced a unique ending date for the dynasty only 12 months different from that provided by contemporary records. At the centre of the list was an artificially structured and symbolically based section which indicated the exact point where the 16-year overlap should occur. There are various conclusions to be drawn from the examples so far studied. Firstly, occurrences of artificial structuring of biblical chronological lists are not rare or isolated - quite the opposite in fact. Secondly, there are varying degrees of artificial structuring, from the extreme as typified by alternating sequences, to the other more subtle extreme such as displayed by the ages column in Figure 7. Symbolic usage of values is likewise rife within all of the examples studied. At one extreme are the blatant examples given by Paul where he all but stated that his values were symbolic, and at the other extreme was the usage of values which are not obviously connected to an artificial structure such as those shown in Figure 2. It is only by a familiarisation of the relationship of various values to certain contexts that such values can be recognised as being symbolic and then interpreted correctly. Cyclical dating and its relationship to artificial structuring has been briefly introduced and a few examples of its application have been demonstrated. Actually, such artificial structures, symbolism and cyclical dating are to be found within the majority of king lists from Egypt, Assyria, Babylon and China. One significant factor here is that cyclical dating was not meant to be absolutely precise, it was only meant to fix the various kinds and dynasties to almost exact dates. Their relevance to specific cycles was important, but differences of a few years from actuality were not. The most important conclusion that can be made here is dual in nature. Firstly, students of biblical chronology should no longer utilise any part or all in the present manner, i.e. literal application of the values on the one hand and a rejection of them on the other, the criteria being compatibility (or not) with existing preconceptions. Much is made today of the 'lateral thinking' approach to problem solving. In other words, some problems are not resolvable by long established patterns of thought. Different types of thinking are required, in particular the kind of thinking which depends on associations of ideas, rather than 'black is black' and 'white is white'. The authors of the biblical chronologies most certainly used a 'lateral' application in their chronological lists, for their approach was that of associated imagery and their tools were artificial structuring, descriptive symbol values and cyclical dating. Consequently, in order to interpret them correctly, the chronologist of today must become 'lateral' in thought and 'lateral' in action. Notes and References 1. P. J. Wiseman: Clues to Creation in Genesis (London, 1977), cited by Mackey, Calneggia & Money in C & C Workshop 1987:1, pp. 11-17. 2. This conclusion stands in contradistinction to that of, for example, H. Wiencke-Lotz: 'On the Length of Reigns of the Sumerian Kings', C & C Review XIV (1992), pp. 22-23. 3. For a brief discussion of the 580 years see P. J. James et al.: Centuries of Darkness (London, 1991), pp. 294 & 391, n.16. 4. Cambridge Ancient History vol. II part 1, p. 457. 5. H. P. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine vol. II 'Anthropogenesis' (London, 1888), p. 69, citing the calendar 'Tirukkanda Panchanga'. Also see p. 435 cit. Bailey in Hindu Astronomy defended by an Academician, Book I part II. 6. Various sabbatical years have been located in the Classical era and modern times, plus one Jubilee in the time of Sennacherib. See B. Aaronson: The Jerusalem Chronology of the Israelite Monarchs (Jerusalem, 1987), pp. 11-13, 31-32. Aaronson did not trace the system any further back than 1437/1436 BC. If he had done so it would have been found that the Sabbatical series of dates involved the last year of the last Kali Yuga, i.e. 3104/3103 BC. The Sabbatical 7-year cycle is an 'ending' cycle and therefore may have originated from that specific year. If Aaronson had continued his count backwards in time for the Jubilee 49-year series of dates, he would have found that the first year of our present Kali Yuga was involved, i.e. 3103/3102 BC, and may have originated in that year. 7. There will be an entire chapter in Part I of the book supplying the evidence for a relationship between the date 27,531 BC and 'Great Deluge' matters. 8. Daniel 8:14. The reference to 2,300 evenings and mornings has long been recognised as referring to 2,300 years. That period of time is linked to the destruction of the temple and the desolation of the sanctuary by the Romans in the year AD 69/70. This is one of the 'key' dates in cabbalistic symbolism and cyclical dating whether in reference to prophecy or chronological events of the past. It, like the date of the 'Great Deluge' in 27,531 BC is a synchronistic year for the Mem cycles of 2,300 years, 23 years 600 years and 40 years. 9. A Sothic date was recorded by Censorinus as occurring in AD 139 which yields 1321 BC for the previous date. See G. W. Oosterhuit: 'A Rehabilitation of Censorinus', C & C Workshop 1986:2, pp. 11-13. 10. Genesis 7:6. The Hindu 'Phoenix' cycle was the 600-year long Naros cycle symbolised by the god Kartikeya wearing six heads. 11. Aaronson: op. cit. [6]. 12. Babylonian Tractate Yoma 9a cited by Aaronson, p. 25, n.40. Also note that Aaronson's model agrees with that 410 years. 13. Ahaz in the majority of documents is described as 20 years old on accession. However, one Hebrew manuscript plus the Septuagint and Peshitta versions of II Chronicles 28:1 give 25 years instead of 20. Since Ahaz's son Hezekiah was supposedly 25 when he began to rule it would have meant Ahaz to be less than 12 when fathering him. Cabbalistic numerology requires both alternatives. The 25-year value contributes to the false 392 year total. For the 20 year version, see note 15. 14. H. J. Foreman: The Story of Prophecy. 15. W. G. Waddell: Manetho (Loeb Classical Library, London), pp. 95-99, & 94, n.2. 16. When the age of 20 years is used, the sequence of artificial values becomes 25 + 16 + 25 + 20 + 25 = 111 years. The purpose of the 20 year alternative is firstly to help in producing the alternating sequence of 25 years and secondly to contribute to the 111 year total. ____________________________________________________ Labayu at Beth-Shean! There has been a surprising find at Beth-Shean, a kind of Amarna Letter written on a clay cylinder, addressed to Labayu (king of the central hill country) and sent by Tagi (father-in-law of Milkilu of Gezer). Recall that the 'new chronology' identifies Labayu as King Saul whose body was taken to Beth-Shean, and Tagi as the ruler of Gath-Carmel who was a Canaanite ally of Saul (JACF 6, pp. 42-43). Now if this is a fake planted by Messrs Rohl, Newgrosh and van der Veen it is a good one because it has already been published in a reputable Hebrew archaeological journal [W. Horowitz: 'Trouble in Canaan - a Letter of the el-Amarna Period on a Clay Cylinder from Beth-Shean', Qadmoniot 27 (1994), pp. 84-86 (also mentioned on pp. 74-75)] and is to be fully published in English in the Israel Exploration Journal. Apart from the names, the short text and its find spot are not very illuminating. It was found on a spoil heap from the pre-war excavations. The text is roughly as follows (using the published line numbers):- 1 to Labayah 2 lord 3 say [I said?*] 4 message of Tagi 5-6 "to the king, lord 7-8 I have heard about your message 9 to me ..." 10-11 [traces only] (my thanks to Dr S. Gibson for this impromptu translation from the modern Hebrew) * It is not clear whether Tagi is giving his own message to Labayu or is quoting a letter he has sent to the king of Egypt. It is all the more odd because the letter is in the form of a clay cylinder about 40mm long by 24mm diameter, with a hole along the axis. It is thus more comparable in size and shape to a large stone cylinder seal than to the usual rectangular Amarna block. Perhaps this was for concealment and/or ease of carrying. It could be suggested that the messenger carrying it from Tagi to Labayu was intercepted by Saul's enemies, or simply that it was taken from the battlefield and ended up in Beth-Shean. R. M. Porter, 1995 _________________________________________________________________ \cdrom\pubs\journals\review\v1994\24art.htm