http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== 5 Rarity Approximately 52 fairly certain causewayed enclosures are known to date in England, together with perhaps a further 20 possible sites. This number is likely to be an underestimate of what remains to be discovered, because most of these have been recorded in the last 30 years; in 1954, for example, Stuart Piggott was able to list only 13 sites. Most of the recent new discoveries have come about in one of three main ways: aerial photography; the discovery of Neolithic enclosures under later sites, especially hillforts; the reinterpretation of earthworks claimed as later monuments. Causewayed enclosures are not always easy to locate by aerial photography as they often only reveal themselves under ideal circumstances, and rarely show their full plan at any one time. Work in East Anglia has emphasized the point that some of the best preserved examples lie beneath alluvium or peat cover and are therefore especially hard to locate except in extreme drought conditions.