http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== At least one other permanent resident of Kempton moved there because of Adventurers Unlimited. E.P. Grondine is a self-published author who came to Kempton a few years ago, after Childress agreed to distribute his book Man and Impact in the Americas, about the effects of asteroids and comets on the evolution of the first inhabitants of the western hemisphere. "David Hatcher Childress is the most successful publisher of fringe literature in the United States," Grondine writes in an e-mail. "And I wanted to learn how he did it." He bought a house in Kempton "for about one year's rent in Chicago" and got to work on a second book. But lately he and Childress haven't been getting along. Grondine says he's now working on a piece about Childress's involvement with Kieninger and other members of the Stelle group. Childress wouldn't speak on the record about Grondine. Reader, Sep 2006, "Atlantis Ho" MIke Sula