http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== Martian Strikes The violence was not confined to the Earth. Here we see in the Valles Marineris on Mars virtually the same identical landforms as we see in north central Mexico. Identical lanforms would imply identical formation processes. Clearly the rain had nothing to do with this formation. The almost total lack of alluvial material, or sedimentary deposits in the image to the right tells us that the rains haven't had much say in this formation either. The lighter pyroclasts in the left of the image are obviously not associated with a volcanic vent, or caldera. And there was nothing slow and gradual about their formation and movement to their present location The only thing these two locations many millions of miles apart have in common is that they are the result of electric discharge machining. Or to put it simply; they are both the result of thunderbolt strikes. And plasma related processes. The standard theory of the formation of the Valles Marineris as I understand it is that it is the result of a massive flood millions of years ago in Mars's past. That's an awfully long time to assume from nothing but visual data. And there aren't enough craters in the valley floor say it is that old. But let's look closely at the image to the left. The missing material didn't flow downstream in a flood. It was excavated upwards, and outwards by tremendous hydrothermal explosions in the Martian permafrost. The rapidly cooling plasma which condenced and settled in the valley floor and become the dark material we see there today. I haven't gotten any replies from NASA about spectragrahic analysis of the stuff. But if you look closely at the Valles Marinaris you can see that the dark material is the plasma that cooled, and was quenched to its solid form by the ice of the Martain permafrost as it provided the heat for the hydrothermal explosions that sculpted the features you see. Our bug splat location in Minnesota is another example of condenced plasma material. Here it was also quenched, and cooled. But by the ice of the Laurentide ice sheet. This wasn't just whispy thin space plasma. Turn off the electricty, and megnetic fields. And cool it down to a hot vapor. And would have been as a thick, heavy fog. In its liquid state it had the consistancy of hot tar. And in its solid state it was what you see in the black splash in northern Minnesota on the right. *I am desperate to get my hands on a piece of that stuff.* And the question burns in my mind; would the material in the splash on the right match the spectra of the dark material above? Or the black object in the mountain side in Wyoming? I have heard a lot of different theories as to the nature of these "Dendritic Ridges" *Dendritic Ridge is Geophysical baffle speak for ordinary melt runnels.* Like wax running down the side of a candle. They are only mysterious if you don't believe in non volcanic, above ground, extra terrestrial heat sources to melt rock. The thunderbolts that struck that day vaporized hundreds of thousands of cubic miles of the Martian surface. At the very end of the event, when the electricity of the thunderbolt had shut down, and the electro-hydrothermal explosions in the permafrost had ceased, the thick fog of rock vapor settled on the plateau above. Where it condenced and flowed back over the edge. They were not the work of volcanism. And neither were these runnels of melt Above 12,000 ft. in the Colorado Rockies. Those have never been through even one ice age. Much less the repeated glaciation of 25 million years. It isn't clear from this angle but the material in the runnels you see here had to flow *up* a very steep slope about two thousand feet to flow over the top here. *Volcanoes don't do that.* *_displayNameOrEmail_* - _time_ - Remove _text_ Sign in Recent Site Activity Terms Report Abuse Print page | *Powered by Google Sites *