http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== I suppose I could be catty and ask, if Velikovsky did not feel he had to credit Whiston and Donnelly with more than a brief mention at best, why should Clube and Napier have felt obliged to mention Velikovsky? After all, they completely reject all of Velikovsky's proposed physical mechanisms. Their "giant comet" model is very different from Velikovsky's Radlof-like wandering Venus. They interpret mythological themes differently from Velikovsky. In fact, their approach to mythology is the reverse of Velikovsky's. Velikovsky built a physical model using history and mythology as the basis. Clube and Napier built a physical model and then looked to history and mythology as partial support. Clube and Napier also proposed a different chronological reconstruction than Velikovsky's. (In their later works, such as _Cosmic Winter_[7], it appears that Clube and Napier no longer subscribe to the revised historical model they proposed in the _Cosmic Serpent_.) Clube and Napier have also stated that they were familiar with Bellamy[3], but not with Velikovsky, when they devised the early versions of their giant comet model. Nevertheless, in the proper academic tradition, Clube and Napier credited Velikovsky as a precursor even though their physical model owes nothing to him. Would that Velikovsky had done so! pib