http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== CULTURAL CHANGES AT 2300 BC At 2300 BC, the Arctic region was triggered into a much colder configuration, and cold polar air moved southward, displacing climatic environments. Cold moist conditions and warm dry conditions interchanged. Monsoon regions moved meridianly (north-south), particularly hurting the regions of the advanced cultures which depended on the rainfall. Ocean currents changed, also affecting climate. Glacial buildup and resulting ocean loading change placed stress on the thin crust of the Earth, causing violent earthquakes, particularly in the highly seismic Alpide region where the advanced cultures were located. All developing civilizations were interrupted at 2300 BC and did not recover for hundreds of years. People moved, both to take advantage of more favorable conditions, and to escape from situations where they could no longer survive. This meant conflict with other people. Important things (mostly bad) happened at 2300 BC. Significant cultural changes all over the Earth are reflected in formal boundaries established by regional investigators.