http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== Introduction to Perigee: Zero "Archaeology is the search for fact... not truth. If it's truth you're looking for, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall." ... Professor Indiana Jones This endeavor is to be considered Interdisciplinary <../interdisciplinary/index.html> in nature, as it is relevant to many disparate scientific realms. We fully expect that archeologists will be the most receptive to it, as they have been laying their hands on evidence of burial under deep layers of terrestrial debris: The Dig into The Mound. The Perigee: Zero Terraforming was extensive across the earth, such that the generated landforms are considered "ordinary" The massive volume of water accreted into the hydrosphere during the proposed events is examined for causality of known world flood events and the stabilization of Earth's environment during the Holocene era. The Perigee: Zero theory presents a solution to the geomorphology of the ?frosting? seen on top of the tectonic plate cake. PZ suggests that much of what humans consider being natural terrestrial landscape today was actually accreted onto the continents as ejecta during the last 15,000 years. The effect on mankind was perhaps more profound than the changes seen on the face of the earth. Is this relevant to human cultural evolution? The treatise suggests that it is profoundly relevant. The predicament we find ourselves in is that our desire for a uniformitarian geological world and our distaste for the more relevant catastrophic model of it are at odds. Our judgment is blinded, and we have failed to cast a catastrophic eye upon our cultural heritage as we interpret it. William Dever, professor emeritus of Near Eastern Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Arizona has stated the problem this way: Today there is a deepening ?historigraphical crisis? in archaeology and Biblical studies in Israel, Europe and America ? a creeping skepticism and a loss of confidence in our ability to confirm anything. The Hebrew Bible is only a ?social construct?, a figment of the tortured imagination of later Judaism in an identity crisis of the Hellenistic era... 1 That the Bible?s relevance as historical fact is questioned should come as no surprise to the theologians or the archaeologist hoping to prove them. Across the globe, the defining works of our various cultures are relegated to the ranks of folklore and fantasy simply because their catastrophic images are beyond our comprehension, or because respected readers today sense that the scribe's eye was focused too long on the astronomical while seeking clues to civilization's future. For example, Indian scholarship attempting to validate the age of the Indian epic Rigveda has been rejected by the West: Some, mostly Indian, writers have used alleged astronomical references in the Rigveda to date it to as early as the 4th millennium BC. Mainstream scholarship widely rejects these interpretations as pseudoscientific (e.g. Witzel, 1999). 2 However, a firm connection with the astronomical is acknowledged in Hindu tradition: According to Indian tradition, the Rigvedic hymns were collected by Paila under the guidance of Vy?sa, who formed the Rigveda Samhita as we know it. According to the ?atapatha Br?hmana, the number of syllables in the Rigveda is 432,000, equaling the number of muhurtas (1 day = 30 muhurtas) in forty years. This statement stresses the underlying philosophy of the Vedic books that there is a connection (bandhu) between the astronomical, the physiological, and the spiritual. 2 We can cite similar dismissals of the relevance of the works of the Nords, the Germanic tribes, the Chinese, the North American Indians and the Egyptians, among the many. The typical reviewer today only wishes to extract the moral themes from these documents, not the catastrophic historical references, especially when those include cosmic interventions. This treatise strongly acknowledges that the moral themes found in these writings are indeed the foundations of human civilization. Being relevant, it is appropriate to embrace them. However, schisms are created when the reader attempts to accept only a selected component of a Great Work. The treatise's' premise is that civilization is beholden to the catastrophic forces involved in the Perigee: Zero impact sequences. A note here on ?timing.? A valid question relates to the statistically validity of such a singular catastrophic series of events occurring in our recent historic past, considering the earth?s age at over 4 Billion years. Why now? We consider the following to be the appropriate response: We suggest that the stabilization of the earth?s climate was driven by the Perigee: Zero event sequence. (Discussed in the Holocene Temperature Stabilization <../timeline/index.html> segment.) Therefore, the rapid development of civilization can be considered a direct result of the PZ series. A valid premise would be that had the events occurred 50,000 years ago, civilization would be 35,000 years ahead today. Conversely, had the impact sequence not occurred, mankind would today consist only of tribes of hunter-gatherers. We have a few strong hints that the recent Perigee: Zero events were documented in more verifiable documentation. John S. Lewis opens his book, /Rain of Iron and Ice/ */3/*, with a startling reconstruction of mankind's encounter with a cosmic visitor. *Constantinople, A.D. 472:* It was a warm, clear afternoon in the capital. The bustle of metropolitan commerce and tourism filled the streets. Small sailing vessels dotted the sheltered waters within sight of the government buildings, riding on a soft southerly breeze. The Sun sparkled on the gentle swells and wakes, lending a luminous glow to the poppies and tulips nodding in the parks along the water's edge. All was in order. But suddenly the sky brightened as if with a second, more brilliant Sun. A second set of shadows appeared; at first long and faint, they shortened and sharpened rapidly. A strange hissing, humming sound seemed to come from everywhere at once. Thousands craned their necks and looked upward, searching the sky for the new Sun. Above them a tremendous white fireball blossomed, like the unfolding of a vast paper flower, but now blindingly bright. For several seconds the fierce fireball dominated the sky, shaming the Sun. The sky burned white-hot, then slowly faded through yellow and orange to a glowering copper-red. The awful hissing ceased. The onlookers, blinded by the flash, burned by its searing heat, covered their eyes and cringed in terror. Occupants of offices and apartments rushed to their windows, searching the sky for the source of the brilliant flare that had lit their rooms. A great blanket of turbulent, coppery cloud filled half the sky overhead. For a dozen heartbeats the city was awestruck, numbed and silent. Then, without warning, a tremendous blast smote the city, knocking pedestrians to the ground. Shuttered doors and windows blew out; fences, walls and roofs groaned and cracked. A shock wave raced across the city and its waterways, knocking sailboats flat in the water. A hot sulfurous wind like an open door into hell, the breath of a cosmic ironmaker?s furnace, pressed downward from the sky, filled with endless reverberation of invisible landslides. Then the hot breath slowed and paused; the normal breeze resumed with renewed vigor, and cool air blew across the city from the South. The sky overhead now faded to dark gray, then to a portentous black. A turbulent black cloud like a rumpled sheet seemed to descend from heaven. Fine black dust began to fall, slowly, gently, suspended and swirled by the breeze. For an hour or more the black dust fell, until, dissipated and dispersed by the breeze, the cloud faded from view.Many thought it was the end of the world.... Please consider the following scenario: The apparition in the sky above Constantinople was a large comet body captured into earth orbit. It visits again and again. Its orbital perigee is coming ever closer to the earth's surface, to the increasing alarm and despair of humanity. Civilization breaks down and mankind is thrown into the dark ages.The danger is well known to some of the inhabitants who have read their forefathers dire warnings, as it has happened before. The comet presents itself in increasingly menacing apparitions until finally taking several catastrophic swipes at the earth and is disrupted across the landscape. Luckily for Europe, the continent is spared. The Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Western China, Great Britain and North America are not so fortunate. /Great Britain/? A.D. 793. This year came dreadful fore-warnings over the land of the Northumbrians, terrifying the people most woefully: these were immense sheets of light rushing through the air, and whirlwinds, and fiery, dragons flying across the firmament. These tremendous tokens were soon followed by a great famine: and not long after, on the sixth day before the ides of January in the same year, the harrowing inroads of heathen men made lamentable havoc in the church of God in Holy-island, by rapine and slaughter. Siga died on the eighth day before the calends of March. This text is from the famous Anglo Saxon Chronicles First started by King Alfred of Wessex. He later became known as King Alfred the Great. We interpret the translation of ?great sheets of light? as referring to a comet body passing high overhead, but above the atmosphere. The dragon reference would refer to a cometary passage within the atmosphere, where it would produce a glowing head and a long black tail. And what of the "/it has happened before/"? Mankind's cultural history is founded in the concept of death and rebirth. Presented variously as the /Four Ages of Man/ (India Brahma ) or the /Five Ages of Man/ (Greece , Aztec , Navajo , etc), mankind has attempted to document regular punctuations in the stability of the earth's environment. During each of these interruptions the world is virtually destroyed except for those elements (plant and animal) necessary to repopulate the earth, and the continents are rearranged. Thus, the common terms of "Creation" and "End of the World" are presented in these mystical discussions as only transitory stages in an ever-repeating drama. We suggest that the destruction delivered during Perigee: Zero event sequences would qualify as the natural force behind such a cycle; rather than "mystical", the words of our forefathers are actual recorded history. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Our goal with this treatise is to put forth the proposal that our cultural heritage and the recent geological history of our planet earth are tightly intertwined. A simple unifying solution is available that will address many of the enigmas that are presented by that intertwining relationship. We are approaching the proof with respect for the rules of good scientific processes. We recognize that our interpretation of many specific landforms, events or historical connotations may be faulty and erroneous. We ask the reader not to dismiss the entire treatise due to individual oversights or misunderstandings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The reader is cautioned that the inclusion of referenced authors and scientists mentioned within this treatise is in no way indicative of their support for it. Quite the contrary; we expect that many years of debate and exploration lie ahead before the Perigee: Zero hypothesis could be considered as accepted science. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 1.* Editorial in /_Biblical Archaeology Review _/ March/April 2006, p26+/ /*2.* From Wikipedia *3.* /Rain of Iron and Ice//:/ /The Very Real Threat of Comet and Asteroid Bombardment/ by John S. Lewis ISBN 0-201-15494-3 264 pages, 1997, Perseus Books Group. / / Perigee: Zero ® , Contents © 2006 - 2010 by Cintos Contact Us