http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== Mikamar Publishing * About / Flare Star/* For more than a century, there has been nearly one theory a year to account for the cause of ice ages. Few mysteries of natural science have been as vexing. And just as troublesome has been the question of what brought these ages to an end. Following the hypothesis proffered in /God Star/, the prequel to this work, /Flare Star/ sets out to show that Earth’s last Ice Age came suddenly to an end due to the cosmic catastrophe that was caused by the proto-Saturnian system’s entry into the present Sun’s domain of influence. Very much as in /God Star/, this is partly demonstrated through the message contained in mankind’s mytho-historical record. The main evidence for the above supposition, however, derives from the scars of the event that are still etched in Earth’s land-masses and oceanic depths. Recent discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics also lend their weight in accounting for the detailed sequence of the devastation. Along the way, various enigmas that have bothered a range of disciplines are thereby elucidated. One of the greatest tectonic upheavals that humanity has ever experienced—encompassing geomagnetic field excursions, diastrophism, global volcanism, the heaping of the ocean onto the land, the extinction of life that followed, and much more—is provided with a catastrophic cause that has eluded researchers until now. Nor can it be said that all of humankind succeeded in dodging the catastrophe, or that those fortunate enough to do so escaped entirely unscathed. The very concept of deity, the origin of which was traced in /God Star/, is here also explored further since man ended up blaming his God for having caused the devastation that forever changed his world. Nor is this to be wondered at, seeing as the destruction in question did proceed from the very entity that man himself found reason to endow with what he later termed its divine power. Review Remarks About the Author Dwardu Cardona was born, raised, and educated in Malta, Europe, from where he emigrated to Canada in 1959. Less than a year later, in mid-1960, he became involved in the study of catastrophism and the reconstruction of the Solar System’s cosmic history. He has, since than, acted as a Contributing Editor for /KRONOS/ and, later, as a Senior Editor for the same periodical. He helped in the publication of the journal /AEON/ from 1992 to 1994, and served as its Editor from 1995 to 2006. He was a Founding Father of the Canadian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies (now defunct), and has acted as a consultant on mythology and cosmogony for /Chronology and Catastrophism Review/, which is the official organ of the British-based Society for Interdisciplinary Studies. He has also acted as the Series Editor for the /Osiris Series/ of books sponsored by Cosmos & Chronos. As a writer, Cardona has now published well over a hundred articles in various periodicals, as well as the book /God Star/ which forms the prequel to /Flare Star/. He has additionally lectured at the University of Bergamo, in Italy, and at various organizations in Canada, the United States, and England. He presently makes his home, together with his wife, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. *Contents* * PART ONE THE DEEP FREEZE* *Chapter 1 The Frigid Earth* The Glacial Theory _ The Pleistocene Ice Age_ The Interglacials_ Previous Ice Ages_ Gondwana_ Snowball Earth_ *Chapter 2 The Milankovitch Theory* The Birth of the Milankovitch Theory_ The Distressed Life of the Milankovitch Theory_ The Death of the Milankovitch Theory_ The Resurrection of the Milankovitch Theory_ The Devils Hole Controversy_ Summing Up_ *Chapter 3 Alternative Hypotheses* In Search of a Better Proposal_ A Simple Matter of Severe Winters_ Ice as its Own Cause_ Cold Versus Heat_ Uplift of Land_ The Volcanic Theory_ Pole Shifts and Tilts_ Magnetic Field Collapse_ Meteoric and Asteroidal Impacts_ Comets and Cometary Tails_ Mini Snow Ball Comets_ Solar Cycles_ Sun Spots and Nebular Dust_ Superflares_ Supernovae and Cosmic Rays_ Lack of Consensus_ *Chapter 4 Unorthodox Schemes* Dislocated Polar Caps_ The Ice Dump_ The Tippe-Top Model_ Water Versus Ice_ An expropriated Scenario_ Diastrophism_ Striations and Erratic Boulders_ Moraines_ The Glacial Hecatombs_ The Ice-Free Arctic_ * PART TWO THE SATURN THESIS* * Chapter 5 Reiteration* Myths and Legends_ The Planetary Deities_ Ancient Astronomical Lore_ The Saturnian Sun_ * Chapter 6 The Concept of Deity* The Solomonic Sun_ The God of the Midianites_ From Ya to Yahweh_ The Moon and Jupiter_ The Case For and Against Ea_ Yahweh’s Sun-Wheeled Chariot_ The Dionysiac Yahweh_ Yahweh-Elohim_ * Chapter 7 The Boreal Locus* The Sun of Night_ The Solitary Deity_ The Immobile God_ The Polar Station_ * Chapter 8 Proto-Saturn* Linear Systems_ Plasma Streams and Birkeland Currents_ Dwarf Stars_ Saturn as a Sub-Brown Dwarf_ The Age of Darkness_ The Habitable Zone_ The Nocturnal Environment_ The Proto-Saturnian Plasmasphere_ Varves and the Sunspot Cycle_ The Boreal Cradle_ *PART THREE THE PRIMORDIAL MILIEU* * Chapter 9 Paleolithic Man* Frigid Emergence_ Arctic Survival_ The Neanderthals_ The Cro-Magnons_ Paleoart_ The Great Bear_ Lunar Notations_ Interbreeding: Pro et Con_ Catastrophic Signatures_ Glacial Clemency_ * Chapter* * 10 Setting the Stage* Ancient Man in Arctic Regions_ The Mytho-Historical Connection_ The Lord of Time_ The Highest Antiquity_ Man in Darkness_ * Chapter 11 The Circumstellar Disk* Chaos_ Tao_ The Nebular Cloud_ The Waters of Chaos_ The Whirl of Creation_ Planetars_ * Chapter 12 Lord of the Lingam* The Axis Mundi_ Shiva_ One Thousand and Eight Epithets_ Aja Ekapad_ The Maha Linga_ Phallic Worship_ Adoration of the Linga_ Modern Quirks_ Conceptual Degeneration_ Brown Dwarf Jets_ The End of an Era_ * PART FOUR THE FLARE-UP* * Chapter 13 Prelude to Creation* The Astronomical Background_ Predetermined Encounter_ Contact_ Columnar Instabilities_ The Pictographic Evidence_ The Magdalenian Primacy_ The Mirror Image_ The Plasma Experience_ The Retraction_ Intense Charged Particle Beam Dispersals_ Backlash_ *Chapter 14 Let There Be Light* The Fiat Lux_ The Birth of a Theory_ Adoil_ Gnostic Mysticism_ The Terrifying Splendor_ The Birth of Ra_ Philo’s Illuminated Air_ As Bright as a Thousand Suns_ P’an-Ku_ Half a World Away_ Further Light from the Primitive World_ Final Words from Oceania_ *Chapter 15 Exploding Stars and Planets* Velikovsky’s Original Scenario_ Novae and Supernovae_ Recurring Novae_ Survivability of Partners_ The Exploding Planet Theory_ The Trouble With Aztex_ Van Flandern’s Modification_ A Comparison of Models_ Epochal Adjustment_ Multiple Explosions_ One Solution to the Problem_ *Chapter 16 Narrowing the Gap* Planetary Novae_ Cometary Flare-Ups_ Brown Dwarf Outbursts_ Plasma Discharges_ Within the Sun’s Domain_ Dating the Event_ A Benchmark Figure_ The Aluminum Cloud_ * PART FIVE AFTERMATH* *Chapter 17 Magnetospheric Upheaval* The Star of Evil_ Shaitan_ Earth’s Diminishing Field_ Earth’s Reversing Field_ Geomagnetic Retrocalculations_ Geomagnetic Excursions_ Objections to Barnes’ Exponential Decay_ Cosmic Ray Discharge_ Proposed Causes_ Ex Hypothesi_ *Chapter 18 Out of the Freeze* The Heat Wave_ X-Rays and Double Layers_ Terrestrial Braking_ Frictional Heat_ Meltdown_ Memories_ *Chapter 19 Global Catastrophism* The Flooding of the Land_ Aquatic Genesis_ Sea Level Changes_ Aboriginal Recollections_ Raised Shorelines_ Rebound_ Terraced Beaches_ Tectonic Upheaval_ Ancient Testimony_ High and Dry Whales_ Mastodons Underwater_ Gas and Dust_ Diamonds_ Bombardment_ Alternative Possibilities_ Impacts_ *Chapter 20 Life in the Balance* Extinctions_ The Mammoth Hunters_ Mass Slaughter_ The Fate of the Overkill Theory_ A Change of Band Wagons_ Geologists Join In_ Radiation Exposure_ Aborted Mutations_ Creatures New and Strange_ Humanity in Crisis_ Racial Divergence_ Burping Methane_ Heaven on Earth_ * Epilogue* The Electromagnetic Universe_ Brown Dwarf Stars_ Planet Formation_ Heat Retention and dissipation_ Polar Convergence_ The Interloping System_ Flaring Energy_ Havoc at the System’s Edge_ Arctic Origins_ Future Return of Ice_ Behavioral Metamorphosis_ End of Act Two_ * Index* $69.00