Quantavolution: Challenges to Conventional Science More Detail Quantavolution: Challenges to Conventional Science By Ian Tresman Paperback: $30.14 Ships in 3-5 business days . . . . . B&W images. Also in hardcover (B&W or colour), and eBook. Festschrift honouring Alfred de Grazia, includes: Biography, Anne-Marie Hueber de Grazia; Q Lightning, William Mullen; de Grazia and the Satellite View of Velikovsky, CJ Ransom; Proto-Saturnian Polar Sun, Dwardu Cardona; Recent origin of the Moon, Emilio Spedicato; Inanna: Warrior-goddess extraordinaire, Ev Cochrane; The Chance of Discovery, Henry Zemel; Quantavolution in the Universe, László Körtvélyessy; Geometry, Gravity and the Electric Universe, Laurence Dixon; Tail to Trail, Milton Zysman; Johann Radlof: Father of Planetary Catastrophism, Rens van de Sluij; Inventions of Alfred de Grazia, Scott Mainwaring; Heracles versus Geryones, Stavros Papamarinopoulos; Can Al de Grazia save NASA? Ted Holden; Renaissance of Catastrophism, Trevor Palmer; Reflections on the Notion of Quantavolution, Vladimir Damgov; Royal Tombs of Ur, Gunnar Heinsohn; Statements: Bob Forrest, Harold Tresman, James Hogan, Richard Stern, Robert Bass, Brian Moore, Jeff Ubois