by davesmith_au » Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:52 am At last Grey Cloud, we see from whence your disdain for the method of Comparative Mythology came! From a century or so ago. I don't see anything much I would disagree with in that piece, when taken in the context within which it was written. But whilst you seem to hold great virtue in the author's knowing of several languages, you ignore the linguistic abilities of Rens van der Sluijs, who is multilingual to a degree you would find difficult to fathom. And you scoff at Ev Cochrane, who has learned a good deal of Sumerian before making his own judgements about what the Sumerian writings say, rather than relying on interpretations of others. A very scholarly and worthy approach, wouldn't you think? Rather than attempt to sidetrack the discussion with irrelevant material (to this thread, which is about Talbott's "Symbols of an Alien Sky") you would do well to put your prejudice aside and try to learn something from one or two of the modern scholars who have spent many thousands of hours in forensic study. That they've come to view gods as cosmic entities (planets) instead of principles is where following the evidence has led them. Should you be able to offer some evidence which contradicts their findings, then you may have something useful to add. Cheers, Dave. [what gross balderdash, what pompous crap]