mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== in Collision with Reality Last updated 3/4/2001 ______________________________________________________________________ There is a revolution taking place today in astronomy and cosmology that will rival the one set off by Galileo. Most of today's "accepted" astronomy/cosmology is a theory precariously based on two erroneous _assumptions_: 1. If the light from an object exhibits redshift, the object _must_ be moving away from us. 2. Electrical fields, currents, and plasma discharges are not important. _Only_ gravitational and magnetic fields are important. Both of these assumptions are demonstrably wrong. They have been and continue to be contradicted by actual observations of the sky. Those observations tell us that: Redshift is more a measure of an object's _youth_ than its velocity. The universe is highly _electrical_ in nature. The two big, false assumptions (#1 & #2 above) have been padded out by an elegant, abstract mathematical "model" consisting of equations concerning: mass, energy, velocity of light, etc. The results that have been obtained by solving these equations indicate that most of the universe must consist of "dark matter": stuff that we cannot observe. The model requires a "Big Bang" wherein all the matter in the Universe (presumably including the 99% of it that we cannot see) was created out of nothing, in an instant, precisely 12 billion years ago. It also requires us to accept such arcane notions as: "curved space", "neutron stars", several different sizes of "black holes", "superluminal jets", "dark energy", and "variously flavored neutrinos". All of these entities are theoretical constructs that were invented in order to save the model from contradicting observations. None have ever been observed or photographed. But their existence is invoked to "explain" otherwise inexplicable phenomena. We hear statements such as, "There must be a black hole at the center of that galaxy." (Otherwise we cannot explain its level of energy production.) "There must be 'invisible dark matter' in that galaxy." (Otherwise we cannot explain how it rotates the way it does.) "Pulsars must be made up of 'strange matter' " (Otherwise we might have to look for an electrical explanation). It is intellectually dishonest to conjure up the existence of unobservable entities in order to save a theory that observation would otherwise disprove. If you allow me to get away with postulating the existence of ghosts, then you will have to put up with my blaming ghosts for an increasing number of otherwise inexplicable events - (like why I couldn't find my keys this morning!) Ghosts would make it easy for me to avoid confronting the reality that my memory is not as good as it once was. One reality being avoided by astronomers is that the cosmos is highly electrical in nature. Another is that high values of redshift do not imply high recessional velocity. Although recent observations of the sky strongly suggest that reality doesn't obey the elegant mathematics, for modern cosmologists, the mathematical symbols _have become reality. _Their equations are so beautiful that they feel the universe _must work this way. _Unfortunately, since reality doesn't understand this, all the magical, counterintuitive concepts enumerated in the previous paragraphs are total nonsense. The solar "wind" is, more accurately, an electrical current. Quasars are not the brightest, most distant and rapidly moving things in the observed universe - but they are among the youngest. And the Virgo galaxy cluster does not take the shape of a long [1]Finger of God pointed directly at Earth (which Copernicus would find immediately obvious). The Universe is essentially infinite in size and age. And it is fundamentally electrical. In present day astrophysics, the Emperor really has no clothes. And the people offering us the proof are astronomer Halton Arp, physicist Wallace Thornhill and electrical engineer Anthony L. Peratt. For the details, click on the links at the bottom of this page. There have been many instances in the past when accepted astronomical dogma has been proven wrong. There is usually no public disgrace for the in-group of researchers who were on the wrong side of the issue. When, after being viciously denigrated, the validity of a new idea becomes inescapably obvious, a few years go by, and then we hear: "Well, Everyone has known for a Long Time that this (the new idea) was always true." Long held theories are extremely difficult to get rid of for several reasons. In any field of science the in-group of mainstream investigators control who is awarded research funding and what gets published. This is called "peer review" - it sounds like a good idea to keep "kooks" out of the limelight. But, peer review makes it difficult to pursue any divergent course of research (that may disprove accepted dogma) if: a) one cannot get research funding and b) one cannot get any results published. This is exactly what has happened to people like Halton Arp. And it is the reason that the untenable house of cards called modern cosmology has survived this long. As late as 1920 Harlow Shapley (1885-1972) of Harvard College Observatory claimed (in a public debate) that the "elliptical nebulae" were all located within our Milky Way Galaxy, and that there was nothing beyond the Milky Way - according to him the Milky Way _was_ the entire Universe. Of course, this is completely wrong - these "nebulae" are each distant galaxies in their own right. Shapley was a leader of the "mainstream" and so was not ostracized. Now we just hear, "Well, Everyone has known for a Long Time that those objects are distant galaxies." In a few years, perhaps we will hear: "Well, Everyone has known for a Long Time that quasars are not extremely distant and red shift is more a measure of the youth of an object than its recessional velocity. No one said for sure that there ever was a Big Bang. It was just another theory. Everyone has known for a Long Time that electric currents flowing in plasmas produce many of the 'mysterious' observed phenomena." And we will not hear of "machos", "wimps", "neutronium", "dark energy", and "broken magnetic field lines" from any serious scientist. Time will tell who's right. Will Halton Arp get the worldwide recognition he so richly deserves? Will Tony Peratt? Or will lesser men quietly adopt their ideas and claim them to be "well known"? ______________________________________________________________________ "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley ______________________________________________________________________ Receive the free e-newsletter [2]Thoth The redshift observations of [3]Halton C. Arp The Electric Universe work of [4]Wallace Thornhill and Anthony Peratt The Achesons comment on [5]Fundamental problems in present scientific method [6]Shapley in action Back to the [7]Top [8]Homepage ______________________________________________________________________ References 1. file://localhost/www/sat/files/Amy.htm 2. http://www.kronia.com/newsletter.html 3. http://www.users.uswest.net/~dascott/Arp.htm 4. http://www.users.uswest.net/~dascott/ElectricUniverse.htm 5. http://www.dragonscience.com/ 6. http://www.achilles.net/~jtalbot/bio/Humason.html 7. file://localhost/www/sat/files/Cosmology.htm 8. http://www.users.uswest.net/~dascott/index.html