http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== Peleh: Hidden Knowledge Concerning The Title Peleh is a mystical Hebrew word, often translated `miracle' or `miraculous.' It is the nearest Old Testament word to `supernatural.' It connotes a revelation of heretofore-concealed knowledge. Because Aleph is the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, it is considered the root of all knowledge. Jewish scholars attach a mystical significance to the fact that the same letters comprise `peleh' and `aleph', when spelled out. The root `peleh' signifies a connection between the physical and the spiritual via the power of speech. Consequently, the term `Peleh' is used to describe those physical utterances which have both a physical and spiritual meaning. This aptly describes my book, which reveals `hidden' knowledge concerning encounters of Venus, Mars and Mercury with the Earth during the Bronze and Iron Ages, suggesting that this chaos was purposefully initiated by God in order to rejuvenate a `tired' Earth, thereby accommodating the growing population of mankind. The Jews tell the following story in regard to Peleh: The Baal Shem Tov entered Meshiach's (the Messiah) heavenly chamber and asked "Meshiach, when are you going to come?" Meshiach responded, "When the wellsprings of your teachings spread forth throughout the entire world." Thus, only when the level of peleh - this level of wondrous esoteric thought - has permeated the world, will the arrival of the Meshiach be imminent. This book is the Peleh spoken of in the story. ................................................................... ............................................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS The Table of Contents listed below gives an idea of the wide-ranging subject matter which is part of the Ackerman catastrophism. It explains the motivation for the construction of the pyramids, the true location of Atlantis, the astrophysical identity of all the mythical `gods,' why all ancient cultures had a 360 day per year calendar, what was `manna from heaven,' the astrophysical aspects of the biblical miracles and how the planets formed, about which the academic establishment hasn't a clue. INTRODUCTION PART ONE: WHY HIDDEN? 1 Evidence of Hidden Knowledge Biblical Clues 2 Hidden Knowledge in Myth PART TWO: WHAT HIDDEN? The History of the Earth and Mankind 3 The Formation of the Giant planets 4 The Ancient Terrestrial Planets The Birth of the Earth The Capture of the Moon? 5 The Initiation of Recent Cosmic Chaos Impact Reveals Jupiter's True Nature The Birth of Venus 6000 BP Proto-Venus in the Rig Veda Devastation of the Earth Evidence of proto-Venus Devastations 6 The Amazing `Dance Encounters' Corroboration from Sumerian Myth The Mysterious `Word' Radiocarbon Dating Corrections 8 The Capture of priori-Mars Importance of Hudson Bay 360 Days per Year? Shifting of the Waters on Earth The Siwalik Beds Messinian Salinity Crisis On the Common Ancestors of All Living Humans Minimum Energy Dissipation The Pyramids, Tells and Ziggurats - Lifeboats Relocation of the Waters on priori-Mars The Northern Ocean on priori-Mars Mirror in the Sky? Soma, Ambrosia, Manna and germs? 9 The Rotation of priori-Mars The Axis Mundi or World Pole The Vedic Purusha & the Hindu Brahma The Number Seven in Ancient Myth The Circum-Polar Stars Atlantis Identified, Finally Mithraism Images of Priori-Mars The Fifth Head of Brahma The Egyptian Duat The Sphinx - Horus am Ackhet The Martian Dichotomy Daily Changes In the Appearance of Priori-Mars Geophysics of the Great Lava Structure 10 The Role of the Moon The Moon in the V/A Paradigm Story of Isis and Osiris Ejecta Became Comets and Asteroids? 11 The Releases of Priori-Mars Clues from Egyptian Myths Ra and Isis Greek Myth Biblical Miracles involving priori-Mars The Exodus Sennacherib's Defeat A Warning Additional Clues from Myth The Whirlpool 12 The Final Separation The `planet' Mercury The `planet' Mars 13 Benefits Afforded Earth Jupiter Effecting Earth's Climate? PART THREE: ASTROPHYSICS AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM 14 Giant Planets and the Formation of the Solar System More Clues to Giant Planet Composition Slowing of Jupiter's Rotation The Pioneer Anomaly 15 The Catastrophic Creation of Terrestrial Planets Details of Terrestrial Planet Evolution Evidence from Venus Space Probes Venus' High Surface Pressure CS crystals - The Fly in the Ointment Venus' Surface `Overturning' Summary Carbonaceous Chondrites Not Primordial 16 Close Encounters Between Terrestrial Planets Earth Geology PART FOUR: THE END TIME? 17 Mankind's Destiny 18 The End of the World ? ................................................................... ............................................................... The following are excerpts from the test: Clues from Egyptian Myths Santillana and von Dechend (Hamlet's Mill) suggest that our inability to understand the meanings of many Egyptian hieroglyphs belies the profound knowledge implicit in those symbols. The following quote from their book suggests an example of our current ignorance of the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, due to its almost impenetrable pictographic composition: In the inscriptions of Dendera, published by Dümichen, the goddess Hathor is called "lady of every joy." But once Dümichen adds: "Literally . . . `The lady of every heart circuit.' This is not to say that the Egyptians had discovered the circulation of the blood. But the determinative sign for "heart" often figures as the plumb bob at the end of the plumb line coming from a well known astronomical or surveying device, the merkhet. Evidently, "heart" is something very specific, as it were the "center of gravity." And this may lead in a completely different direction. The Arabs preserved a name for Canopus - besides calling the star [Canopus] Kalb at-taiman ("heart of the south"): [they also refer to another Canopus as] Suhail el-wezn, "Canopus Ponderosus," the heavy-weighing Canopus, a name promptly declared meaningless by the experts, but which could well have belonged to an archaic system in which Canopus was the weight at the end of the plumb line, as befitted its important position as a heavy star at the south pole of the "waters below." . . . The line seems to state that Hathor (=Hat Hor, "house of Horus") "rules the revolution of a specific celestial body - whether or not Canopus is alluded to ... The reader is invited to imagine for himself what many thousands of such pseudo-primitive or poetic interpretations must lead to: a disfigured interpretation of Egyptian intellectual life. At this point, myth is leading us to an explanation of the fantastic events which led up to the release of priori-Mars from its geosynchronous orbit. The quote above implies that Hathor controls the revolution of a body, which would logically be Canopus. Robert Temple, author of the Sirius Mystery, corroborates the effect on priori-Mars, stating that Canopus: with a different determinative and when not applied to a man, the word means `orbit', `revolution,' `to go around'. Both meanings reinforce the notion that Hathor controlled the `orbit' of priori-Mars.... Coppens' (The Canopus Revelation) identification of the `massive Canopus' with the current south polar star of the same name is just another unfortunate example in which modern day researchers have mistakenly identified an existing star or constellation with a proto-historical entity, which is no longer present. In Firmament and Chaos I detail the physical events which took place at the end of each fifteen-year `dance encounter,' which were necessary for the escape of priori-Mars. Amazingly, this involved the solid core coming out of the mantle of the planet through the Valles Marineris. The latter portion of the passage from Hamlet's Mill above supplies an important Egyptian corroboration of this mechanism. I maintain that Suhail el-wezn, "Canopus Ponderosus," the `massive Canopus,' was either the name attributed to priori-Mars itself or to its solid core. To clarify, in Greek myth, the `ship' Argo, `covered with stars,' was commanded by Osiris, whose `steersman' was Canopus. The many volcanoes on the surface of priori-Mars, which blazed down toward the earth during its encounters with the Earth, were seen as stars (the circum-polar stars in many cultures). Thus Argo was priori-Mars. The identity of Canopus in Greek myth comes from another translation for Canopus, `the eye of the dog.' As mentioned previously, the great asymmetry of priori-Mars, which resulted in its unique rotation about an axis pointing toward the earth, caused it to be referred to as the `dog star.' But what was the `eye'? Egyptian myth clearly states that Hathor was the `eye of Ra' and the `dweller in his breast.' Therefore the correct interpretation of Hathor (=Hat Hor) is the `Heart of Horus', or in scientific jargon, the solid core of priori-Mars, not the `House of Horus' - the currently accepted meaning. Hathor was the Egyptian name for Canopus and was the solid core (center) of priori-Mars. Thus the solid core somehow "ruled the revolution" of priori-Mars, and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, properly interpreted, reveal this fact. Combining the notion that the solid core appeared as an eye, with our current knowledge of the surface features on Mars, leads inevitably to the picture of the solid core first protruding through the mantle of priori-Mars at the Valles Marineris, a 4000 km straight scar roughly on the equator of priori-Mars, and then exiting the planet. ................................................................... .............................................................. 9 The Rotation of priori-Mars Ancient myth tells us that when in geosynchronous orbit over the Trans-Himalayas, the north pole of priori-Mars, around which the mantle of the planet rotated, remained pointed toward the Earth. Scientists today believe this is impossible, because massive, rigid, spinning bodies act as enormous gyroscopes, maintaining their orientation relative to the stars, not continuously changing it to point toward the Earth. Mythology not only tells us that this did indeed happen, but also explains why - because of the great mass asymmetry of priori-Mars which resulted in its epithet `the dog star' in many cultures. This asymmetry resulted in the application of a continually changing torque on its mantle, which maintained its orientation toward the Earth. This unique orientation was the reason for the ubiquitous, ancient notion of a heavenly `mill' or `cuern' (churn) in many cultures and the `churning of the sea of milk' in Vedic myth. Entire treatises and even books have been devoted to determining the origin of this mythical `mill,' without success. One such book, Hamlet's Mill, by Georgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechand is over six hundred pages in length. The authors analyze dozens of literary works back to proto-historical times, in which a `mill' somehow plays a crucial role in the establishment of `new world ages.' After a number of promises of a great revelation, their disappointing conclusion is that the ubiquitous `mill' was ancient culture's description of the precession of the equinoxes, a phenomenon so subtle and remote that even most educated modern people are blissfully unaware of it, with the possible exception of astrology mavens. Astronomers have calculated that one cycle of this precession requires approximately 26,000 years, and many writers, like de Santillana, have attempted to project this motion back through the millennia. But in the V/A scenario, the spin axis of the Earth has been suddenly reoriented by large angles on over two hundred occasions in the last 6,000 years. As a result, a single cycle of this precession of the equinoxes has not yet taken place. The precession of the spin axis of the Earth goes through only one thousandth of this calculated cycle in a human generation and therefore could hardly be the source of the `mill' in diverse cultures. The mill had to be a solid object, not an abstract entity that no one could see. The authors themselves reveal some reservations concerning their own hypothesis when they attempt to explain the common notion that an unhinging of the mill is repeated periodically and that these events are closely related to consequent `world ending' events: The identity of the Mill, in its many versions, with heaven is thus universally understood and accepted. But hitherto nobody seems to have wondered about the second part of the story, which also occurs in the many versions. How and why does it always happen that this Mill, the peg of which is Polaris, had to be wrecked or unhinged? Once the archaic mind had grasped the forever-enduring rotation, what caused it to think that the axle jumps out of the hole? What memory of catastrophic events has created this story of destruction? Why should Vainamoinen (and he is not the only one) state explicitly that another Mill has to be constructed (see p. 110)? Why had Dhruva to be appointed to play Pole star--and for a given cycle? The first sentence is a bit surprising. They state that the new fact that they have just revealed, the identity of the mill, "is universally understood and accepted." Moreover, their unconvincing interpretation of the unhinging of the mill is: The simple answer lies in the facts of the case. The Pole star does get out of place, and every few thousand years another star has to be chosen which best approximates that position. It is not surprising that de Santillana and von Dechend have failed to find the truth, as have many thoughtful researchers before them, because the sterile academic establishment as a whole, including scientists and humanists, fails to recognize the role of recent catastrophism in forming the Earth and the history of mankind. This lack of understanding is evidenced over and over in Hamlet's Mill when the authors repeat the usual associations of existing stars, incorrectly, with archaic mythical names. The most glaring examples of such errors being the association of Osiris and Isis with the constellation Orion and the star Sirius, the identification of the mythical `seven sisters' with the star cluster, and the identification of Saturn in Greek myth with the ringed, giant planet. A number of the legends entail an unhinging of the mill, the destruction of its pivot or `world axis' - usually in connection with the establishment of a `new world age.' This actually refers to the events associated with the release of priori-Mars, at which time the great hardened lava fountain at the north pole collapsed. This was the pivot of the mill referred to in ancient myth. The `unhinging' myths sometimes include a whirlpool flowing into or out of the central hole that is vacated when the world axis or `world tree' is removed. The unhinging of the mill also explains the common association of shamans with blacksmiths, who are involved in the construction of the mill, because the fall of iron meteorites from priori-Mars was a common experience following these events. Some examples of mill legends are: Snaebjorn's (an Icelandic bard) Amlodhi's' Mill, (where ludr=mill); The Finnish Kalevala, which focuses on the adventures of Vainamoinen and his Sampo (=mill, derived from the Sanskrit skambha = pillar or pole); and Frodhi's (Freyr) magic mill, Grotte, in Norse myth. In some cultures, priori-Mars was described as a wheel instead of a mill, as in the case of the Celtic goddess Arianhead, meaning `silver wheel.' Shamans are said to live in a spiritual middle world between an upper and a lower world. This comes from the time that priori-Mars orbited above the Earth. They enter a trance using a circular, ornamented drum made from a specially selected tree and animal skin, sometimes ceremonially `activated' by a sprinkling of beer (manna?). The wooden shell is imagined to be from the cosmic tree, which `the lord' has caused to fall. The Shaman travels from one world to another by means of the `world tree,' that is, the axis that passes through the center of the world, just as the deceased Pharaoh was imagined to climb to the Duat via a rope ladder extending down from `heaven.' The drum is a mandala, an image of priori-Mars and the world tree is the primary deity, the great hardened volcanic feature that extended downward toward the Earth from its north pole. This is corroborated by the fact that the most archaic of shaman symbols is an inverted tree, with its roots in the air. The Axis Mundi or World Pole The axis about which the `Mill' rotated often received more attention in ancient myth than the Mill itself, because a great deal of cosmic action was concentrated there. Quoting John Mitchell: In all traditional systems of religion [the image of the world-pole] has provided the dominant theme. The doctrine associated with it describes the universe as a divinely born creature, never the same, never at rest, but with a still, unvarying centre which, like the core of a magnetic field, governs everything around it ... In every traditional society ... a rock or pillar within the national sanctuary ... is known to be the generation centre of mankind and the spot where the pole of the universe penetrates the Earth. This axis was not only the source from which `everything' came into existence, it was also the place where Heaven, Earth and the Underworld met. Myths from different cultures provide consistent physical descriptions of the `worldpole,' but each also contributes subtle differences, all of which provide information, for example: a fire stick or flaming deity at its axis; Saturn, `genie du pivot'; Mixcouatl; world pillar; skambha (Sanskrit); north nail; Mill tree; world axis (=axis mundi, which passes through `both worlds'); the nave or navel (Sanskrit nabbi); the square axle-block which fills the hole in the millstone; seven bulls or giant maidens which turn the Mill; a whirlpool into which an ocean disappears upon the periodic removal of the axis tree and the subsequent unhinging or destruction of the Mill, resulting in the ending of the current world age, which is replaced and ruled by another deity. Plato described how the firmament is bound `by a straight shaft of light ... and from the extremities stretched the 'Spindle of Necessity'. A Jewish myth says `There is an upper and a lower paradise, and between them, upright, is fixed a pillar by which they are joined together and it is called the Hill of Sion. In the Tale of the Ostyaks of the lrtysh the lava column is described as follows: There is a mill which grinds by itself, swings of itself, and scatters the dust a hundred versts away. And there is a golden pole with a golden cage on top which is also the Nail of the North. Another myth describes a handle (`mundil') by which the Mill is rotated. This designation of the world pole is particularly perceptive. Because of the location of the Tharsis Bulge on one side of the priori-Mars, the daily rotation of its mantle about its north pole was not a precise circle. The single off-center mass caused a precessional or wobbling rotation of the mantle of priori-Mars. Although this took about a day, the careful observer would have noted that the `axis' actually moved in a small circle, exactly the way the handle used to turn a grindstone moves. The `north nail' is often associated with a conical mountain or mound. Quoting Alan Alford: If we go back to the first principles and look at the fundamentals of ancient Egyptian religion, it then becomes evident that there was an obsession with the concepts of the primeval mound emerging from the Abyss. The mound was built up as a result of the many collapses of the massive lava fountain, which formed the axis itself. These collapses did not only occur at the times of the releases of priori-Mars from geosynchronous orbit, but many times during each dance encounter when the pair of planets passed through alignments with the Moon, or the Sun and Moon combined. The great height attained by this feature, which I estimate at more than 1000 kilometers (See Figure), and that when it collapsed, the debris covered vast areas in the northern plains of priori-Mars. In fact, both NASA Viking probes 1 and 2 landed in the debris field of this feature as can be seen in Figure 23. The vast extent of the debris is corroborated by the locations of these landers: 47.8 N 22.5 W and 48 N 225.6 W. The names of the prominent `worldpole' deity and the mountain on which it stood, were often adopted as the names of mountains on the Earth in the regions of each culture, implying that this was the other end of the world axis on priori-Mars. This has led to considerable confusion in the interpreting of some myths. Examples abound: Mt. Olympus where Zeus lived; Mt. Meru of India, which signified an axis or pivot; the Chinese Kwen-lun (Pearl Mountain); Harabeeza in Iran; the Babylonian Akkad, the mountain on whose apex the heaven of the fixed stars is pivoted. In Jewish myth the world is centered on Mt. Sion. Also, powerful earthly rulers often assumed the name of the `axis deity', the primary feature on priori-Mars, as their own. For example, pharaohs were thought to become an Osiris when they passed away, in Egyptian culture. `World trees' were less common but are present, for example, in German myth as Irmensul, 'the universal column which supports all things,' which is related to the world tree of the Northmen. In the Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris, a great tree incorporated the sarcophagus of Osiris. ................................................................... ......................................... The Fifth Head of Brahma Although Brahma was commonly said to have four heads, on one occasion a unique event occurred, which is told as the myth of Brahma's `fifth head.' The myth of the fifth head of Brahma is of particular interest, because it may be a description of the only sustained, naked fission reaction ever witnessed by man: In pictures Brahma is represented as a red man with four heads, though in the Puranas he is said to have had originally five. ... His fifth head also having read the Vedas, which the other four heads had delivered, acquired a splendor which neither suras (gods) nor asuras (demons) could endure...Unable to approach or behold it, they determined to apply to Siva for relief...Siva granted their wish and proceeded with them to where Brahma remained inflated with pride. On seeing Siva, Brahma did not pay him the customary honours. Siva, seeing Brahma's fifth head inflicting distress on the universe by its effulgent beams, brighter than a thousand suns, approached him and said, 'Oh! this head shines with too much splendour,' and immediately cut it off with the nail of his left thumb. The Mahabarata says it was because of his seduction his own daughter that Siva decapitated him. This crime was attempted when in a fit of intoxication. The `fifth head' of Brahma was so bright ('brighter than a thousand suns') that people on Earth could not look directly at it. The myth explains whimsically that the brightness of the fifth head of Brahma was a result of pride, at having received or learned the complete knowledge of the four Vedas from the other four `heads.' But the Velikovsky/Ackerman scenario, combined with modern physics, provides a more sanguine explanation. Fractionation of compounds or elements in the central lava column resulted in the hottest elements rising to the top of the column. On one occasion the subsurface melting reached a deposit containing a concentration of uranium within priori-Mars. The radioactive material rose together to the top of the lava column and formed a critical mass, initiating a sustained, naked (unshielded) nuclear reaction. This continued for an extended period of time until the nuclear fuel was expended. It emitted such copious amounts of radiation, that it could not be viewed directly even though the source was some 32,000 kilometers from the Earth. The effects of the extremely energetic gamma radiation from this reaction may be manifested in the rocks that were exposed on the surface of priori-Mars at that time. This notion itself comes from Vedic myth, which states that this radiation somehow cut the concentric grooves which surrounded the sacred Mt. Meru, discussed previously. The meaning of the cutting off of the head by the `nail of Siva's left thumb' eludes me. The `cutting off' of the same `head' was described in Greek myth where, by stealing the `single eye' of the three Graeae, Perseus obtained the `equipment' needed to cut off the head of the Gorgon Medusa, who was supposedly so `ugly' that anyone who looked directly at it would die. This extreme ugliness was a metaphor for the extreme brightness of the fifth head of Brahma. The equipment, a cap of invisibility, an adamantine sickle and a reflecting shield, shed a little light on the physical processes contributing to removal of the Gorgon's head. Perseus was also described as the winged axis, which pierces both poles through the center of the Earth and Mars, about which the worlds rotate, i.e. the column of fire itself, so the Greeks seem to identify the Gorgon and Perseus as the same feature. This may be a distortion introduced by revisionists. Note that the same features: the `axis;' the `glowing head;' and the `single eye' are common to most of the ancient myths. There is little doubt that these unique characteristics were repeatedly observed in the heavens in order to be present in the myths of such widely dispersed cultures. In The Sunny Side of the Greek Gorgon, Clark Hopkins suggests a very similar reason why the Gorgon's head could not be viewed directly: It is tempting to suggest that the averted countenance of Perseus represented originally the inability to look at the Sun. The notion that the severed head was somehow `retained' is also part of the Hindu myth. Because Siva cut off Brahma's fifth head and thereby committed the sin of killing a Brahmin, he was condemned, in his form of Bhairava, the terrible one, to bear the fifth head of Brahma forever. This implies the possibility that the head was retained as a satellite of priori-Mars. Coincidently the two small satellites of Mars reveal striking differences in their physical appearances. Diemos, exhibits a much smoother surface, which is remindful of `pillow lava' formed on Earth when molten lava flows into the sea (Figure 28). This resemblance, combined with the retention of the fifth head in the myth suggests the possibility that Diemos is the residual of the body which went `critical' just a few thousand years ago. Future missions to Mars should attempt to measure any gamma radiation from Diemos. Back to Top Contact: email to angiras at ______________________________________________________________________ Home | V/A Scenario | Firmament Excerpt | Chaos Excerpt | Purchase Books | Recent Papers | The Planets - Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mars | Mythology - Rig Veda, Hindu, Egyptian, Greek, Comparative Mythology | Links | About The Author | In The News | Newsletters - March 2004, October 2003, June 2003, April 2003 | Register for Newsletters Archives - 2002, 2003