mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Home Up Jupiter Proto-Solar System The original solar system comprised only the giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Jupiter and Saturn are not gaseous hydrogen planets as is currently currently believed. The four great planets all formed from ice particles in the solar nebula. Small particles in the inner solar system could not accrete without the ice to act as binders and were pushed by the solar wind out to the radius of Jupiter and beyond. All the elements of the periodic table are embedded in these ice binders. The differing masses of the great planets reflect the amount of ice or dust that was available at their various radii from the Sun. They accreted by the combining of small icy bodies, which eventually produced planetesimals with significant gravitational attraction. One of these accreted rapidly enough to heat up and form a rocky iron core some ten or twenty times the mass of the Earth. This 'core' is acknowledged to exist in the current view of Jupiter. The formation of the proto-ice-planets, itself, required some tens of millions of years. Studies of sun-like stars show that the gaseous hydrogen is lost from the systems in about one million years, so the vast amounts of hydrogen currently thought to comprise Jupiter and Saturn were long since lost before the proto-planets became large enough to capture it. Thus Jupiter is not an 'onion' whose layers are composed of various exotic states of hydrogen, as currently believed. All four great planets comprise the same basic materials. Great Planets Formed Cold After the initial hot accretion stage, the process gradually slowed because of the great time required for the material in the same orbit, but at other azimuths around the Sun, to become incorporated in the main body. This material formed bodies from the same material as the main proto-planets. These planetesimals approached the proto-planet at relatively slow velocity, melted upon entry into its thick atmosphere and fell as snow. The formation of Jupiter required some 100 million years to complete and and the more distant planets took correspondingly longer. As a result, these planets were formed cold. There is no reason to believe that after the proto-planet formed, the accreting material changed. As these planets grew, the cold and high pressure in their interiors led to the formation of gas hydrates, also known as clathrates. These comprise 'cages' constructed of water molecules that typically enclose a 'foreign' atom or molecule. The higher strength of these clathrate structures permitted them to resist the very compression which led to the hypothesis that Jupiter and Saturn must be gaseous. Great Planets as Shields Most text books pay lip service to the protection provided by the great planets, claiming that they act as shields, attracting asteroids and comets that could threaten the terrestrial planets. But scientists fail to recognize the great effectiveness with which they accomplish this. The spots found on every one of the great planets are evidence of such impacts. They are the result of gases still emanating from the impact craters on the surface of these planets. These same hot gases drive the multiple zonal wind jets and the refractory elements in them crystallize to color the belts and spots. The temperature excesses of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are the result of the hot gases heating their atmospheres, while the bodies of these planets remain cold. Their rings and many satellites were formed by the material blasted from them by these great impacts or by material streaming from the craters in millennia subsequent to the impacts. Scientists go along with the hypothesize that the temperature excesses are due to primordial energy escaping from the great planets, but the fact that Uranus has no temperature excess, alone refutes this explanation. Evidence that Jupiter is a Solid Planet There is much evidence now available corroborating the solid makeup of Jupiter. A solid boundary below the atmosphere is required to explain the formation of the zonal wind belts that encompass the planet. The fact that the Great Red Spot has remained at the same latitude (-20 degrees) for over the three hundred and forty years that it has been observed, is clear evidence that its source is on the solid surface of the planet. Theorists long ago predicted that there would be three prominent cloud layers in the Jovian atmosphere, based on the notion that the interior is hot (30,000 K) and the planet is gaseous (hydrogen). But the Galileo atmospheric probe did not find any of these layers. This failure was sloughed off by claiming that the probe entered a 'non-typical' region of descending clouds, but this was proven incorrect by 'motion pictures' taken by the Cassini probe as it passed Jupiter. The Galileo probe also measured less water than theorized, because most of the water is frozen into the cold body of the planet. When the comet fragments of Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacted Jupiter, the more massive ones produced huge atmospheric plumes, whose spectra revealed the presence of a number of heavy elements never before seen on Jupiter. Of particular interest, these plumes, which were as large as the Earth, only appeared six to ten minutes after the larger comet fragments disappeared into the clouds. The clear implication is that the more massive comet fragments penetrated the atmosphere and struck the solid surface with such force that a great explosion occurred. The mushroom clouds produced by the impacts, which contained all the elements in the body of the planet, then rose through the atmosphere, taking six to ten minutes to reach the cloud-tops where they became visible. These surface impacts also produced shock waves which can be seen propagating from the impact points, but only from the most massive comet fragments. Birthplaces of the Terrestrial Planets The impacts on the great planets performed an even more important function. The material which rebounded from the most energetic of these impacts formed the terrestrial planets. In fact, the myths of the oldest cultures on Earth describe the events surrounding the creation of Venus as a result of an immense impact on Jupiter 6,000 years ago. The details of this process and the evidence for its young age are explained in the section on Venus. The Galilean satellites Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto and the fifty-some smaller satellites of Jupiter formed from material that rebounded from the same impact, but which was not given sufficient velocity to escape Jupiter. As a result, each terrestrial body, Venus, priori-Mars, Earth and the Moon were created from one of the great planets as the result of high energy impacts. Each has a unique 'parent' and a unique birth date. This is corroborated by the great difference (600 million years) in the ages of the oldest rocks on Earth compared to the Martian meteorites. If you have any questions or comments about this site, send an email to angiras at firmament-chaos.com